My Boys
Sometimes Mark and I can't get over how lucky we are. Our boys aren't perfect, but they are pretty special to us. They are smart, funny, sweet and loving. I took this photo after church on Sunday. They weren't very excited about posing for a photo. They were ready to change into play clothes and eat lunch.
I’m currently crazy about The Head and The Heart.
My old roommate in Seattle (Kayreen) has knack for finding good music. She’s my cool, hip, go-to friend for recommendations on music and movies. Kayreen and I only lived together for six months, but we became fast friends. She was such a good friend when I lived in Seattle, and her friendship is one of the reasons I still have such fond memories of living in the Pacific Northwest. I’m so happy that we’ve recently reconnected. I finally got a smartphone and now we can text back and forth. {Side note: I’ve also reconnected with another dear college friend, Andrea. She doesn’t do facebook or blogs, but she texts! She and I text photos back and forth of our kiddos and other random things. I wouldn’t have been such a holdout on getting a smartphone if I’d known how much fun it’d be. }
Back to the music…
The Head and the Heart—You should really give their album The Head and The Heart a chance.
Another group you should checkout —The Civil Wars, their album Barton Hollow is excellent.
You know I can’t talk about music and not mention my loyalty to The Avett Brothers.
Ben (he’s two) has been requesting the song “Horchata” by Vampire Weekend. For a two-year-old he has great taste in music. Will’s always had good taste in music, too. He’s been a big fan of The Avett Brothers and Sarah Jarosz since he could talk.
Just to throw in something random from years ago, The Bends by Radiohead is still a really good album.
And, because we love Christmas music so much we still listen to it even though it’s the end of January.
Mark and I used to go to the movies almost every weekend. Each week we had our Friday ritual of reading movie reviews and deciding what we wanted to see. That was all before we had children. Since I’m away from the boys during the week, I want to spend as much time with them as I can on the weekend. Toddlers and movies don’t mix so we haven’t gone to the movies very much since having children, and I don’t think Winnie the Pooh and Cars 2 count. I know we could get a babysitter and go, but that’s expensive and I’m a weirdo who doesn’t like leaving my children with a babysitter (other than family). Call me overprotective, it’s a label that fits me.
What got me to thinking about movies is the recent Academy Awards nominations. They have me interested in the seeing several movies that I’ve missed. There are a few on the list that I’ve seen thanks to Amazon video on demand, but there are a lot that I’d like to watch. The last movie that I watched that was nominated for an award was Midnight in Paris. I really liked it.
Is Pinterest your "happy place"? It's definitely mine. I have almost 4,000 pins.
We have started a ladies Bible study at our church. We are studying the Gospel of John. I led the class one week and my friend, Jami, led this week. John is such a great book to study because it’s so different than the other gospels. This week we are studying Chapter 4 & 5. The most exciting thing so far is friends who don’t go to our church are attending our Bible study. It’s been such an encouragement to study the life of Christ with the ladies of our church and our friends. Another thing I love about our Bible study group is that the ladies are all various ages. For example, we have a younger lady who just graduated college and older ladies who are grandmas. It’s refreshing to have the perspective from the younger ladies and the wisdom of the older ladies. Thank goodness the older ladies bring knowledge, insight and understanding that I lack. If you are interested in studying the life of Christ and the gospels, a very helpful resource I’ve used in preparing for the class is
The Fourfold Gospel by J.W. McGarvey.