This InstaFriday has photos of everything we've been up to that I haven't had time to blog about. I'll admit that I've become a slacker when it comes to the "phone dump" photo posts because most of my blog friends (and more and more of my real life friends) are following me on Instagram. If you follow my Instagram feed then you probably know what we're up to each day. I use it way more than Facebook or Twitter. I'm at @redbirdblue
Let me begin with the end of May. We had a picnic in the backyard for Memorial Day.
At the end of May, I took a day off and went with Will on his kindergarten field trip to the Planetarium and park.
Each day Will rides the bus to the campus where we work and I meet him outside. One of the best parts of my day is when I see that happy face.
At the beginning of June, Ben turned 4 years old! You can see more pics of all the fun we had at his Cars birthday party

Field Day
We all had Field Day on the same day!
Mark and I played softball with the students. It was really fun!
Last day of kindergarten! I've yet to write a post about that special day.
*I feel as if I need to put a disclaimer on this photo. Will is wearing his kindergarten t-shirt. Please know we have nicer clothes and he would have worn something nicer for the last day assembly if it were up to me. We got a note home that said the students were supposed to wear them. Well, most of the students didn't wear them and it's not the greatest t-shirt in the world, but he wanted to wear it so we let him. I would have much rather put him in a "church shirt", since I took a zillion photos that day. Oh well, Mark told me to laugh it off and that the t-shirt isn't that bad. He also said it only bothers me and he's right, ha!
You know we live in a small town and we still have 8th grade graduation. Our niece graduated from 8th grade. Congrats, Maggie! The next night her brother graduated from high school.
The boys are looking so big here. They are ready to see their cousin graduate.
My handsome boys and their handsome daddy.
Love this photo of Max, Will, Ben and Mark. Max was in the first grade when Mark and I started dating, and I feel like if I blink that the boys will be all grown up and graduating like Max. We're so proud of Max! He's a great kid...young man ;) Congratulations!
Despite being busy we've still managed to find time to play in the backyard. Ben's protecting the fort with his sword.
Will's team ended up getting 3rd for the year in the tee-ball tournament. Way to go, Will!
Vacation Bible School
This year our theme was Circus of Faith. Despite the hard work that goes into making VBS a success we love it. I'm so thankful for our church and all the church members who support this good work.
I shared a few photos
As soon as VBS was over and we cleaned up, Mark and I headed to Dallas for a concert. It was an early celebration of our anniversary which is about a week away.
I've written a post with lots of photos
here. We had a great time!
Can't forget Father's Day.
I can't really put into words how lucky the boys and I are to have Mark. He's a great father and amazing husband. We love him! (Even though they don't look happy in the photos, it was still a happy day.)
Ben on Father's Day. We took Mark to Fuddrucker's to eat--very manly, ha!
I'll end on a sweet note.
My in-law's have blackberries in their backyard and they are ripe for pickin'. The only problem is I like to eat about as many as I pick.
I made blackberry pie bars. My favorite dessert is blackberry cobbler. The blackberry pie bars are delicious but they don't top blackberry cobbler.
The finished product. Delish!
So that takes us through the end of May until now.
We're ready to relax and really enjoy summer vacation!