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Monday, April 10, 2017

Dallas on Friday

My dear friend, Kayreen, was visiting Texas last weekend.  We wanted to see Dallas since we're usually in the suburbs north of Dallas or even farther north where I live in the middle of nowhere.  The perfect place to visit in Dallas was the Bishop Arts District in Oak Cliff.  Kayreen and I have traveled together before and she made the comment that the area reminded her of the Haight in San Francisco.  It's been almost 15 years since I've been there with her, but I agree that it's a good comparison. We had pizza at Eno's, which was a good recommendation from a friend at work.  My favorite shop was We are 1976.  They had a friendly staff and great collection of prints.

We had cold brew coffee at Cultivar before heading home.  It was recommended to Kayreen by the people at Slate in Seattle.  

It was a wonderful, spring day with a beautiful friend.  I wished we lived closer and could hang out more often.  


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