Christmas Eve and Christmas 2016
The photos are jumbled up between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I shared some of my favorites from the two days.
This could be one of my very favorite photos of the boys ever, and it was taken on Christmas Eve night.
Making cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.
The boys always track Santa on the NORAD Santa Tracker, and when they see he is in the U.S. they know it's time to go to bed.

Christmas Morning
Santa found our new house.
Back to Christmas Eve
Mark's family celebrates with a Christmas Eve breakfast.
Back home on Christmas Eve
We had to say goodbye to our Elf Pets
Last year we adopted a Reindeer named Speedy, and this year we added a new pet. We adopted a St. Bernard that we named Jingle.
Also we said goodbye to our Elf, Bill, until next year.
My guys
Our family on Christmas Eve