Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's in a Name?

I have a busy day ahead but while I was reading some of my favorite blogs this morning, I saw Paige's post about why her blog is named this little life...

I realized it was a link up and I figured I'd throw together a post on the topic and share why I named my blog
Imperfectly Wonderful World.


My very first blog post ever explains why the title was chosen.  You can read it all here.
The post isn't long, but here's the important part.

I titled this blog "Imperfectly Wonderful World" because I think I have a pretty wonderful life. That can sound a little misleading because you might think things are always perfect. I'm not going to lie, my life is pretty great BUT not perfect. My husband is wonderful BUT not perfect. My children are wonderful BUT not perfect. My job is wonderful BUT not perfect. My friends are wonderful BUT not perfect. See a theme developing here? This is no surprise because I'm not perfect!!! Wow! I feel so much better now that I got that off my chest. Let me type it again, I'm not perfect! Maybe you can relate to this. I'm thankful for the wonderful life I have and all of the imperfections that are in it. Most of all I'm thankful for having Christ in my life because he is perfect.

Back to explaining the title.

Have you ever heard the Louis Armstrong song, "What A Wonderful World"?  I love that song.  It's a classic.  It partially inspired the name.  Every day I have moments where "I think to myself...what a wonderful world."  My life is better than I ever could have imagined.  It really is.  Have you seen the three handsome guys in my life?  I'm blessed!


I really like to have Imperfectly in the title because I feel like it puts the real me out there, flaws and all!  I don't claim to know it all or have all the answers.  There are things in my life that I could and should do better at and I struggle with my imperfections like most people I know.  I think it's the imperfections that make me someone you can relate to.  I'm just a girl living out a dream, trying not to take it for granted or miss the good stuff. 

Here are few more posts if you want to get to know me more:
I wrote this post in the spring for the Ultimate Blog Party.
Here's my blog story.
Here are 33 random facts that I shared last year on my birthday.
Q&A I did at the beginning of the year with random stuff.
And, of course, you can read the About Me section at the top of my blog.

Linking up to Jesslyn Amber

Thanks for stopping by my Imperfectly Wonderful World and nice to meet you!


  1. I love your blog title. A good reminder that we are imperfect but are loved by the perfect ONE.

  2. ...and I am a big fan of you and your blog! I love that song!

  3. You have a perfect blog title - it's absolutely about you, the life you enjoy and the family you love. Your blog is a delight to read.

  4. this is fabulous girl and it fits you perfectly :) i def enjoy reading it! xo

  5. This name is perfect! I love how you talked about how everything is wonderful, but imperfect...besides CHRIST! I love love love meeting Christian bloggers. :)

    You have a beautiful family! Thank you so much for sharing with us! :)


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