Here are more photos than you'd ever want to see on our trip to the State Fair of Texas on October 19. It was the last weekend that the fair was open. The weather was amazing. It was sunny and cool. We decided to get to the fair earlier in the day. It was easy to find a parking spot and it wasn't that crowded. Later in the day as the temperature warmed up, more people arrived and the lines got longer. We left around 3p.m. in the afternoon, which was a good thing. We were still having fun and we'd made it through the day meltdown free.
We took the boys back in 2010, but they were too young to enjoy it. It's a lot more fun to do things like this now that they are older.
My little monkeys!
The only ride that they rode on the midway. Ben's a little too young to enjoy them all by himself.
Will loved driving the car! Look at that big smile.
I made a mom mistake. Ben and Will were in the same car, but I thought Ben would want to drive his own car on the ride so I had him move. I should have left them together. Ben looked miserable the entire time. I felt bad for moving him. I thought I was making it more fun, but I didn't. You can see by his expression here.
My mouth is watering just seeing this photo. I love the Fletcher's corny dogs.
We tried fried oreos. Yum!
And last but not least...Funnel Cake!
Children's Medical Center Barnyard was a fun experience. Will enjoyed feeding the animals and Ben liked it as long as we stayed close beside him. It was very crowded inside the petting zoo, but the cute animals were used to getting fed and petted so they came right up.

We thought about riding the Ferris wheel, but decided not to when we saw the long line.
Ben did a good guiding us through the fair with his map.
Goodbye, Fair! Hope to see you again in 2014 for more fun.