Thursday, February 2, 2012


It's been a good week.

The warm weather this week has given the boys extra time to play outside.  We also had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, which is always a blessing.

Here are some moments I captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app and Instagram app.  Mostly I take photos of my boys, but sometimes I mix in random items that catch my attention.

Will and Ben have taken advantage of the warm weather and their sandbox is seeing some mid-winter action.

This watering can is from my great-aunt's house.  I found it in her garage. I think about my sweet family when I see special things like this around the house.  I like the way it looks, but I like it even more because it's sentimental and reminds me of my aunt.

Baby Swing
I'm afraid it's almost time to put it away, sniffle-sniffle!

The baby swing won't be needed much longer because Ben thinks he's as big as Will.  You can see how serious he is and how tight he is holding on to the swing.

Will just learned to swing all by himself! 
I don't have to push him anymore!!!
Here are more photos of his newest feat.

Enjoying more fun outside

This print is hanging in the boys' bathroom.
I bought it here.

We've been staying in our small town more and driving into the suburbs of Dallas less.  Since I'm shopping less at Super Target, I'm shopping more at our small town's grocery store.  This vintage scale is still in use.

Nothing beats a play date at McDonald's
Well, I'd love to spend that time at a coffee shop, but I think others would frown upon me letting my kids go wild so we'll stick to play dates at McDonald's where it's loud and crazy.

My niece, Maggie, took this on her phone.  Love this photo of Ben!

Will and Ben spend two days a week at their grandparents and three days at daycare.  Mark's dad just bought this tent and he put it up in the living room so the boys could play in it.  They had such a good time. 

My precious grandmother and I.

The boys giving Mama Winnie some love. 

life rearranged


Life In An Instant



  1. Love your pictures, as always. The scale in the little grocery store is great. I adore hometown grocery stores. I love the print you have hanging in your boys' bathroom, great for reading in the morning. We just played at McDonald's yesterday, and Boyd had so much fun. It wasn't crazy like it usually is, so it was just a perfect day. The boys look adorable in their plastic cars outside! This weather has been so great. LOVE the last picture. :))

  2. great pics as always! You are so lucky to still have your grandmother -such sweet pictures!

  3. I got my grandmother's shower brush after she passed on. I remember always seeing it in her bathroom growing up. I'm glad I have it to remember her by. My maternal grandmother is still here and I love having her around also. Love your pictures with your grandmother. Your boys are so cute and I love that tent idea! looks like a blast. Have a wonderful weekend :)

  4. Here from Life.Rearranged. Your boys are so cute! LOVE the pic of them loving on grandma, too sweet.

  5. love that vintage scale! and what a great idea with the tent. thanks for the blog love. :)

  6. I just had to start singing when I saw your print. Love that song! What a great picture of you and your grandmother. And regarding the small-town grocery store...I am learning that sometimes smaller is better since I've moved to the UK. I miss Supertarget and all the megastores of my suburban Texas life, but I spend much less on "stuff" when I shop at the little grocery store down the street from me here.

  7. Oh my word. That last picture melts my heart.

  8. We like playdates too! LOVE the watering can. Sweet. I live in small town USA. LOL

  9. I love the watering can! I'm jealous of the sandbox and swings....really looking forward to spring!
    I really love the picture you put in the boys' bathroom...that is so cute!

  10. I love the watering can! How cool is that!? :)

  11. I'm your newest follower from Life in an Instant hop. Beautiful photos. Hope you'll visit me sometime. Tips about Pre/K and K.

  12. What a great week! Love all the time spent outdoors and he camping in the living room! I'm thinking of sharing a few of my Life in an Instant pics on pinterest, would you be interested in me doing that for you as well or would you rather keep your kids off the boards. Entirely up to you! I know its a sensitive subject.


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