Monday, February 6, 2012

Misc. Monday

Happy Monday!

Random thoughts to start the week.

Our women's Bible study at church is going great.  We're studying the Gospel of John.  I'm learning so much since my friend and I are helping lead the study.  If you haven't ever taught a class, I'd recommend the challenge for your own personal growth.  I haven't blogged as much lately because it takes a lot of time to prepare.  Parts of John are deep and hard to understand, but with study and discussion with my husband and others, I think I'm understanding it more and more.  I'm currently using the ESV and NASB version of the Bible to read and study.  I also rely on some online commentaries for help.

I have a framed print in the living room which displays a Christmas banner and the Christmas cards we received.  Well, it's February and I still haven't take them down.  I guess I should get around to doing that this week, ya think!?!

Art supplies
Will and Ben love to use their art supplies.
Tomorrow I'll have more photos of their crafting fun this weekend.

Saturday the boys played in the backyard for a long time.  

Ben had batting practice.

Will and Mark played catch. 

Ben's running after something. 

Just before the sun started going down Mark had time to pull the boys around in their wagon.

Mark and I got engaged in February 2002.  I found these old photos of us back in 2001 and 2002.  It's kind of neat to know we've been a couple for over a decade. It's even cooler to think we'll celebrate 10 years of being happily married in June.
Gosh we look young!

linking to lowercase letters miscellany monday


  1. Oh my goodness. I love your Christmas card frame idea. That is so great.

  2. I love those older photos of you and your husband! The boys look so cute playing catch. I was hoping for warm weather again this week, but it's going to be cool. :( I hope we are not stuck inside all week. I guess we will just have to bundle up and deal with it. I'm glad your bible study is going so well. I really need to get involved in one. Hope you have a great week!

  3. Love that old cola boc you have the crayons in! So so cute!


  4. I love your display of Christmas photos. I see Molly in there!

  5. How cute, cute are you two??? :) Love it!


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