Monday, August 8, 2011

Being Productive

This is going to sound like one of those Facebook post where your friend lists all the things that she accomplished that day. You know the ones I'm talking about.  I'm sure you've read them and thought, does she really need to tell me that she steam cleaned the carpet, scrubbed down her bathroom and organized her closet?  I could do without all of that info. 

I apologize in advance because this is going to sound like one of those Facebook status updates. 

Mark and I waited until our last full week of summer vacation to check off most of our summer to-do list.  You could call us procrastinators.  We've been known to put things off until the last minute. 

Procrastinators no more.  We accomplished some major projects around the house.

One other crazy side note, we saved all of this work until the hottest week of the year so far.
Yes, we are crazy, too!


We painted Will's room.

This project started last year!  I told you we were procrastinators.  I wasn't joking!  This was our first time painting a room in our house. The painters did a great job when we built our house 9 years ago and we've been pretty happy with the paint colors we chose.  Last year I saw that Kristin at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia had chosen a new paint color, Sherwin Williams Zircon.  It was the color I'd been looking for--light gray with blue undertones.  Will's room was SW Pale Artichoke.  It was a great neutral before we had kids and worked well for his room, but he's about to be 5 and it was time for a change.  I planned to make the changes over Christmas Break of 2010 but that never happened.  Last week I looked at Mark and said "Let's paint Will's room." and he said "Okay."  We just decided to do it, sort of spur of the moment.  I lined up our niece to babysit so we could get the job done.  We started at about 10:30a.m. and finished around 3:00p.m.  My aunt gave us some valuable advice before we started.  We also watched a couple of YouTube videos to see how the pros paint.  I'd have to say I'm not great at cutting in, but I think I'll get better with more practice.  All in all, we were really happy with how Will's room turned out.  We've ordered new bedding and have some prints and posters that need to be framed.  I can't wait to show you the before and after. 

Will was "helping".

Testing out all of the equipment before we begin.

He was very excited about getting his room painted.  He told us he loved it!  Aww!!!

Thankful for blue painter's tape.  If you've painted before you know what I'm talking about.


Mark stained the fence.

This project started two years ago when we had our privacy fence installed.  Mark managed to get the outside stained before Ben was born, but the summer of 2009 was mostly full of taking care of newborn baby Ben and visiting doctors because of my Bell's Palsy.  Staining the fence was something that needed to get done, but it was hard to find the time.  Since we are in the middle of record breaking heatwave and there's no rain in the weather forecast it was the perfect time.

It took 5 five gallon buckets of stain to cover the inside and out.  Wow!

Pump, pump, pump it up!  The sprayer got the job done...with Mark, of course!


We detailed the cars.

When you have two kids in car seats in the backseat, this task is not for the faint of heart.  This is a chore that I put off for long periods of time because it's so much work. It's a mystery what lies beneath the car seat, the seat protector and the car.  It's the abyss where Cheerios, fruit snacks, raisins, candy, fast food french fries and Goldfish are forever lost until I bring them to the surface with my Shop Vac.  I also removed Ben's car seat covers and washed them and wiped down Will's booster seat.  They both look as good as new.  Both cars smell so good now!  I don't think I could ever work at a car spa, but there's a sense of satisfaction I get when I've cleaned my car.  It almost feels new when we get in after it's been vacuumed and wiped down with Armor All.  One more thing, let me sing the praises of leather seats with children.  They wipe down like a dream!


Ice Cream.

After all that work, a Blue Bell dream bar hits the spot.  Have you noticed that I mention Blue Bell ice cream a lot?  We love Blue Bell!  (The Dream Bars are only 70 calories.)


Farewell summer.

I mentioned that summer is coming to an end.  We will have our first teacher in-service meeting/professional development on Tuesday.  I've truly appreciated every moment with my family this summer.  Mark and I were just talking about how much fun we've had.  Maybe it's because our boys are getting older and they are at a really fun age.  Whatever it is, we've had a blast and made some great memories.

Here's a preview of Ben's two year photos that we had taken at the Dallas Arboretum.

Photos by Lauren



Make sure you stop by my blog this Thursday.  I'll be doing my first ever giveaway, and I'm so excited!  It's not a sponsored giveaway.  It's just a giveaway because my blog friends make me smile, and I think you guys are the best!  I'm pretty sure it will be something that most of you really like.  Click here if you just can't wait to see what it's going to be :)



Ben has on one of my headbands and the cover to an iPod in his mouth.  Strange combination but that's my Ben!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. That was a very productive week! Good for you guys! Great pics too!

  2. That was a LOT for a week! Yay for a giveaway! And FYI: that post was NOTHING like those fb statuses mainly b/c I enjoyed this post:)

  3. Um, I know exactly what Facebook posts you're talking about! It's always the same people who've had perfect weekends with perfect people doing perfect things. I guess I have jealously issues there.

    You did an amazing job finishing all of that in one weekend. Just awesome!

  4. What a cute little painter helper you have there ;) I am not gonna lie..I am actually really looking forward to fall!! Yeay for cooler weather

  5. Hahaha I love your comments on the facebook posts! So true. Props to painting I am such an awful painter I get so excited to start it but by halfway I am so over it! Enjoy the last bit of summer!


  6. are nesting! School nesting, that is! I did the same thing! Had to get it all in before school started! Today was our first day with kids. Great, but loooong, day! And for some reason my blog isn't showing that I have updated it, but I have. So frustrated!

  7. HIIIII! How are y'all? Are you excited about school starting back - is that a loaded question or what? Anyway, hope all is well and yall have been keeping cool! I've been thinking about yall with all this heat!!! Much Love!! Katie

  8. Go you! It has been a great summer. I can't think about it ending just yet. I've never tried those ice cream pops!

  9. Gosh, you guys got a LOT done! It must feel amazing being so productive :)


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