Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday and Don't Forget the Giveaway

Beauty  and Sam's Club. 
Oxymoron, right? 
Nope, these beautiful sunflowers were for sale there last week.

This is huge! 
I'm doing my first ever giveaway!!!
I took a photo of the computer screen because I am a huge dork like that!  It reminds me of when my grandma would take photos of the TV when important events were taking place like a space shuttle launch or Princess Di's funeral.  Instead of taking a photo of the TV it's of my computer screen.

Go here for the giveaway.

Another photo of my boys in the coin-operated rides.  This is how I get any shopping done.  I bribe them or as one of my friends says, "Not bribes, negotiations." 

Ready for lift off! 

We washed the cars.  (my husband washed the cars and I watched) 

I'll share more about this on Sentimental Sunday, but here's the old barn at my great-grandma's.  We drove by her homestead this week.  The farmhouse is gone, but the barn is still standing.  Such good memories. 

An Anthropologie is opening 30-45 minutes from my house!  I live in the middle of nowhere but we are a short drive into the suburbs of north Dallas and the urban sprawl is making its way towards where I live. 

Yesterday we saw relief from the record setting heatwave. 
Let me say again, thankful. 

life rearranged

Don't forget to go here for the Pleated Poppy giveaway.


  1. when anthro opened here in nashville, my life was complete! and i got much poor-er.... :-) sweet pictures!

  2. There is something so beautiful about old barns. Yay, for anthropology!!

  3. Sams has some of the best flowers! I love the sunflowers! I'm feeling a tinge of jealousy that you are getting an Anthro so close----but happy for you! Thank God for the ease in the heat this week, we've had a bit of a break too.

  4. Love the sunflowers and your boys are so cute

  5. Visiting from liferearanged!
    Love those sunflowers are so colorful, and your kids pictures are soooo cute!

    Happy friday!

  6. popping over from life rearranged...

    love, love, LOVE anthro.
    but my wallet, alas, does not.
    luckily (?) i don't live near one.
    it would just be bad.
    however, my parents do!
    they live in denton and whenever we visit (which is for sure once a year) i hit up at least 2 locations (north park, willowbend).
    which is this other one you speak of?
    i think i need to know!
    perhaps it'll be close so i can peruse at christmas time! ;)

  7. I've been wanting some Sunflowers lately. I think I'm about ready for Fall and the heat to move on :)
    Our Anthro is about 45 mins. away too which is too far still but better than nothing right?

  8. Great flowers! We used to ride on all the fun automatic rides while my mom was shopping when we were fun! Hope you're enjoying your weekend :)

  9. A couple things - I saw some gorgeous flowers at HEB today and wanted to Instagram them but I was bribing the kids with my phone ... and they wouldn't give it up :) Also, saw the news about the break in the heat wave for you guys YAY!! Hopefully were on the tail end of this mucho caliente summer. Next, sentimental sunday!! yay for Cha Cha and woohoo a pleated poppy giveaway! let me go hop to that!


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