Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Friday!

It's Friday and lately that means it's phone dump time for InstaFriday.

I love the convenience of the camera phone. I use the hipstamatic app to give the photos a vintage/retro look.

Here's what we've been up to this week.

Girls' night out!  Angie, Alichia and I met up at the mall and then we went to eat.  I love shopping with these girls and we always have fun chatting.  We usually manage to get together once a year (although we'd love to do it more often) and the hours just seem to pass without us realizing it.  Here we are leaving the restaurant.  Note: the hipstamtic app isn't that great at night, we're a little blurry.  it's a great app. it just works best in daylight.

This is outside the restaurant.  The lights are so pretty!

Mark and the boys hanging out. 
I thought this was a cute moment with the boys sitting with their daddy.  What's up with Will...let me explain.  It's a piece of fabric that he and Ben like to drag around the house.  Our school secretary is an excellent seamstress and she made some things for the boys.  This was supposed to be tied into a bow at the top of a fabric Christmas tree.  Instead Will is using it for a headband, I guess? 

We met up with Mark's old roommate and his family to eat dinner.  We ate at a cool burrito place called Freebirds.  It started in my college town of College Station.  Whoop!  Aggies and lots of other people love this place.  They finally opened in the DFW area near where we live a couple of years ago. 

The Statue of Liberty riding a motorcycle suspended from the ceiling.  That's perfectly normal, right?  Love Freebirds!

Just a phone pic, no app used.  Had to throw this in because it's Shark Week! 

Both boys always ask for popcorn.  If you don't have an air popper, go buy one.  It's great. 

Dairy Queen and small town life go hand in hand.  Here we are eating lunch after church on Sunday.  The boys shared an ice cream sandwich.


Our niece turned 5!  She's exactly 3 months older than Will so that means that he will be 5 before I know it!  Oh my!!! 

Ben and his cousin Lizzie.  She loves him :) 

life rearranged


  1. Shark week was big here this week. Our 5 year old is insane over them. I go to another room. : )

  2. I need to remember to take pictures when I have the opportunity to be out with friends!! I'm always only photographing the kids--I need the me memories too: )

  3. been thinking about buying an air popper! do you love it?!!

  4. Instagram is probably the best app ever created. For real. Not as much of a fan of hipstamatic though, but still great!

    Girls night sounds like a lot of fun! Cute pictures of your boys, that restaurant sounds yummy. Air poppers are awesome, we used to have one when I was a kid!

    Happy Friday!

  5. Looks like a fun filled week!

  6. hooray for small town dairy queen!
    great photos! xo

  7. What is shark week?

    And we absolutely adore DQ around here. I always tell my husband... "You know what sounds REALLY good right now?" A Blizzard. Yum.


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