Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Inspiration at Unexpected Elegance

Angela has been one of my best friends since we met at Texas A&M.  We were even roommates for a few months one summer.  She and I have remained close since graduating from college.  You've probably heard me mention her before, I wrote about her here and our most recent visit here.  We've always had similar interest, but this summer we realized we both had an uncanny obsession with blogs.  {I even confessed to her that I wrote a blog.  Most of my friends and family don't know that I write a blog. Imperfectly Wonderful World just started in May and I visited Angela in June.}  It's funny how our love of blogs has brought us even closer.  I was so excited when she started Unexpected Elegance to share her beautiful home and all of her creative ideas.  When I saw her post for the Christmas Tour of Homes I just had to share it with you.  You must head over to her blog and check it out.  Angela never ceases to amaze me with the extraordinary things she does with her home.  And, it's all budget friendly.  She's my kind of girl!

Here's just one peek at her lovely home.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the promo! Very UNexpected. ;) Some of your friends stopped to say "HI," which made me extremely happy. Thank you!


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