Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Summer Bible Study Series {Bible Study Basics}

Summer Bible Study Series
{Bible Study Basics}

Why study the Bible?
Salvation, our goal is to get to heaven and take as many people with us as possible
God’s way of communicating with us
God’s plan
for our questions there are answers
God-size void because we are eternal creatures
absolute truth meaning of life

If the ultimate goal is salvation, there has to be an immediate benefit and blessing.  There is a connection between what we study and how we apply it to our lives.  It should change our lives in every way.  I see that as a better understanding of life....everything including relationships, family, nature, the world, human nature, jobs, emotions and feelings, what really matters, priorities.  Our priorities, values, and what we treasure will change as we read the Bible.

As we study the Bible with an open mind and open heart, we recognize, realize, and understand more.  I liken it to reading a good book over again or watching a movie again.  I notice things I didn’t see the first time.  There is a need for continued study because as we study we will notice more that we missed before.  As we learn more and it will help us grow in our faith and change for the better.

Are there challenges to studying the Bible?
Examples given
Time, busy schedules, lack of understanding, confusion, tired/exhausted

Read the following verses.  
What words stand out in each verse?

(in the group study we read these out loud and talked about each verse)

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Psalm 119:11

Acts 17:11

Romans 15:4

Hebrews 4:12

Ephesians 6:10-17

James 1:22

John 1:1

John 8:32

1 Peter 2:2

Things to keep in mind when studying the Bible.
#1 Consider context

#2 Have a plan

#3 Be dedicated

#4 Use common sense, reasoning and good judgment

#5 Be open to what it says

#6  It's okay to have questions, keep searching the Bible for the answers.

#7  Remember the Bible doesn't contradict itself so if something is confusing keep studying.  It will make sense.

In regards to # 6 and #7, always remember, the best commentary on the Bible is the Bible. God designed this book for our understanding, and the more we read and study it the better our understanding will be.  

In the past I've written about how one can approach Bible study, click {here} to go to that blog post about How to Study the Bible.

Below are the links to the other studies

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

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