Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Our First Gingerbread House

We decorated our first gingerbread house last week.  The boys had a good time decorating the house and ice cream cone trees.  Their cousin Maggie came over to help out and join in the fun.  I'd seen people on Instagram recommend the Trader Joe's gingerbread house kit so that's the one we bought.  The view of our house is blocked by the trees, but I've added a closeup of the house at the very end.  (Because I know your day wouldn't be complete without seeing our masterpiece!)

Maggie's really good at decorating cakes and cupcakes so she was our go-to person putting the house together and attaching the candy pieces.  Also, she's really patient and nice to Will and Ben so they love having her over.  She makes it more fun!

It's looking more and more like a real gingerbread house. 

I bought some small waffle cones and we covered them in icing.  We used food coloring to turn some of the icing green.  Once the icing was applied we used all sorts of sprinkles to make our trees look festive.   It was messy but fun.

The boys always surprise me at how much they concentrate and work hard.

Our first gingerbread house

1 comment:

  1. Cute! This is our plan for the weekend. 4 boys...sugar....a trip to the pool or gym will be in order after this activity.


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