Monday, December 15, 2014

10 Days Until Christmas

It's 10 days until Christmas! 

How is it already December 15th?!?
This month just flies by.  The first 15 days have been full of festive fun.  I like to use the word festive any chance I get. 

The boys are merry/jolly/cheerful or let's just say happy that Christmas is so close.  Ben has let us know several times today that it's only 10 days away.  I think he's just a little excited, ha!  Will is loving Christmas, too.  Will loves Christmas music as much as I do.  He likes to play a game where we hum Christmas songs to each other and then we guess what the other one is humming. 

Here's a recap of the beginning of December.

For the first time ever we have had a magical elf visit our home.  His name is Bill.  Will selected the name because it's a combination of Ben + Will.  Ben agreed on the name (with a little persuasion) so now Bill has been with us for almost two weeks.  He was a little late showing up to the house, but he left the boys note explaining that Siri gave him the wrong directions to our house (family joke).  

Our small town's Christmas parade was earlier this month.

Ben wrote his first letter to Santa.  He really wants a Nintendo 3ds and games.

Christmas cards are arriving in the mail.

Christmas cards are being sent in the mail.
I couldn't decide which card I liked better so I ordered a card from Minted (on the left) and one from Shutterfly (on the right).

We celebrated Papaw Jerry's 75th birthday!

Silly photos in the photo booth at the junior high Christmas dance that I help chaperone.  The boys were funny with all the different props.  On Instagram, I wrote "Ben is both naughty and nice and Will is neither according to their signs."

Look out for the elf in the mistletoe zone!

Reindeer crossing...better watch out!

Love, Love, Love these two fun boys!

Christmas shopping on 
Get it!  12-13-14 is a really cool date.
This is what happens when you are married to a math teacher.  You learn to get excited about dates and numbers and patterns.  Too bad I didn't know Mark when I was in college.  I could have used some help in the math department back then.  Oh well, at least our boys are good at math like him. 

This little corner in my kitchen brings me much joy during this time of year.  It's full of sentimental Christmas decorations.

One last random thing.  These Trader Joe's Peppermint Pretzel Slims are so good!
This bag didn't last 24 hours.  Mark and I aren't allowed near them anymore.  They are addictive!

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