Monday, March 4, 2013

Will's All-Star Birthday Bash

Will turned 6 at the beginning of November.  

When I was looking through photos on the computer, I realized that I never took time to write a blog post about Will's All-Star Birthday Bash.

Here's my excuse--the Fall is always so busy for us with back to school chaos, and this year Will started kindergarten.  In addition to the normal responsibilities we have, Will played soccer for the first time. We also have several family birthdays we celebrate during the Fall including Will's.  With such a hectic schedule that continues through the holidays, it's easy for me to put blogging on the back burner during that time.

It seems like I've finally had a moment to breathe. Since I've had some time to slow down, I decided to blog about Will's party.  (It's only 4 months late!!!)

We had his birthday party on his actual birthday, which was really neat.  Our birthday parties usually consist of having our friends and family over.  This year Will invited some of his friends from school and his soccer team.  We cookout, have cake and ice cream, party games and a pinata.

This party game was "pin the football in the goal post".

Here's a better view.
I cut a piece of poster board into 4 strips and stapled it to the fence in the shape of a goal post.

I made footballs for everyone who was invited with their names written on it.  I taped them to our back door and when the game started each child took his or her football so they could play.

Here's Will!  He found the goal post!  Way to go!

The birthday boy.  I can't believe he is 6!

We divided the kids into teams and had a marshmallow relay race with spoons.  It was a little chaotic. Some of the kids liked it and others weren't into it.  Those who did, had fun trying to carry the marshmallows on the spoons to the buckets.

Will's cake was made by my talented friend, Brandi.  She's made almost all of the cakes for Will and Ben's birthday parties.  She is so creative. 

Party central 

Mark and his brother Clay were in charge of the grill. 

We threw down some picnic blankets for the kids to eat on.  It was super easy cleanup.  I highly recommend it for serving little ones.   They really liked it too.

My big boy!  I LOVE this photo of Will.  This is my favorite photo from his birthday party. 

Make a wish! 

It's not a party until you take a swing at the pinata   My cousin Jared bravely raised and lowered the pinata for the kiddos. 

Go get it, Ben!

Will had his turn. 

The pinata was stubborn and wouldn't bust open.  We finally broke out the aluminum bat.   I'm a worrier and didn't want any kids to get hit accidentally so we made a barrier out of rope to hold the kids back.

Finally!  It busted open.  Candy!!!


Will always loves the handmade gifts from his cousins.

What a great group of kids!  I'm thankful for our wonderful friends and family who made Will's birthday so special.

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