Monday, March 11, 2013

Hello Spring Break!

It's Spring Break!

Woo Hoo!

Hello Fun, Rest, Relaxation and Family Time!
Friday night we took the boys to eat at McDonald's.  
Please. Don't. Judge.  
They love it and it was a fun way to start Spring Break.

We balanced out our trip to McDonald's with a stop by Whole Foods before we headed home.  Yes, I just used McDonald's and Whole Foods together in the same sentence.  Somewhere the organic police just sounded an alarm ;)  

While we were out and about, we went to Target.  I picked up this new bottle of nail polish.  I love essie and this color--turquoise & caicos.  Fun for spring!

Saturday was a lazy day at home.  I had two cups of coffee and didn't feel rushed to hurry off to work.  So relaxing.  I'd been eyeing this Valentine's mug at Starbucks.  It was on clearance for $3 so I bought it at the Starbucks in Target.

I even worked out.  I didn't workout at all during the Christmas break and I hurt my ankle in January.  That terrible combination resulted in me gaining 5lbs.  I'm still struggling to lose it.  So no break from working out on Spring Break.

It's just Monday, but we have a week full of fun.

Daffodils blooming in my in-law's yard.  We usually plan a trip to the Dallas Arboretum during Spring Break.  I love seeing all of the tulips and spring flowers.

I plan to do a little thrifting over the break.  Earlier this month I found these milk glass vases at my local thrift store for 10 cents each!

I'll probably be making a few runs to the donut shop with my boys still in their PJs. 

We'll visit Mama Winnie at the nursing home. 
I'm spending extra time on the ol' blog writing about things that are near and dear to my heart.
I have a special post about studying the Bible that I'll share later this week.

I'll have time to bake. 

The boys will have time to build. 

and play 
{Linking up to Lisa Leonard and lowercase letters}


  1. Enjoy spring break! We love donut runs in our jammies too!

  2. Love that husband surprised me with it a while back:) and your little dude in the spiderman jammies....cutie! makes me think of my little man that is all about spiderman. such a sweet phase:)
    enjoy your spring break!

  3. Yay for Spring Break...enjoy! And good for you working out!

  4. I love that color of nail polis too! Enjoy your week!

  5. What a great week. Love the picture of yours and your grandma's hands. I laughed out loud at the Whole Foods and McDonalds in the same sentence. So much like my own life. :)


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