Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Third Annual Cookie Exchange

The ladies of our church had our 3rd annual Cookie Exchange party on Sunday evening.  We had some new faces and missed some of our regulars, but all in all it was a fun night of fellowship.  I always say one of my favorite things about the cookie exchange (other than swapping delicious cookies) is the mix of young and old ladies.  One of the special things about our church is the elderly members who are still faithful.  Their example is an inspiration.  The cookie exchange is the perfect thing to bring the young and old together.  Who doesn't love cookies?
My mouth is watering looking at all of that cookie goodness! 

We all had a great time eating yummy food, playing games and exchanging cookies.  

Look at all of those yummy cookies! 
(By the way, our gracious hostess, Jami, has a gorgeous home.  Her kitchen is amazing!)

Our first cookie exchange and second cookie exchange were lots of fun, too.


  1. That looks like so much fun...and all the cookies look so yummy!

    {And yes, her kitchen looks gorgeous!}

  2. That is a beautiful kitchen.

    What a fun night of fellowship and good food! You are so fortunate to have these ladies in your life.



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