Saturday, March 3, 2012


I'm a day late on my weekly phone dump.  I was sick on Wednesday night and all day Thursday.  I self-diagnosed and have decided that I had "some weird viral thing".  How do you like that terminology?  I had a very sore throat, fever and chills Wednesday night and felt achy and lethargic on Thursday.  It passed and I went back to work on Friday.  A few others I work with have had something similar and last week Ben had a day of fever and feeling bad.  I'm glad it's over!

These daffodils were in bloom at Whole Foods.

We are taking advantage of the beautiful weather.  Will and Ben have played and played outside.

Even the weeds are pretty at this time of year.

Peace macaroni

Since I'm giving Weight Watchers a try, I'm following their point system.  Fruits and veggies are 0 points.  I can't tell you how many of these clementines I've eaten.  Thank goodness for 0 point foods!!!

An unprecedented event has occurred.  One box of these boxes of Girl Scout cookies has remained unopened in our house for longer than a week.
Mark and I finished the Samoas within the first 48 hrs they were opened (it was a part of my last hurrah weekend before starting Weight Watchers).  We saved the Thin Mints for Will and Ben to take to school in their lunch boxes, and we just haven't included them with their meals yet.  

While at the local outlet mall last weekend, I stopped by the J Crew outlet (one of my very favorite) and saw this sign.  My sweet grandmother's name is Winnie.  I might just buy some pants in honor of her.

Ben is obviously very enthusiastic about his new sunglasses.

If you are an Aggie, then you know about the greatness of Freebirds!
How can I explain Freebirds?  It's like Chipotle with a kooky vibe and eccentric decor.  For example, the Statue of Liberty riding a motorcycle.  Strange but it works :)

Will is in the checkout line with Mark.  I think my boys are mini-me versions of their dad, and I love it!

Life in an Instant

life rearranged


  1. Hello from Aggieland. I am doing WW also. I need to go to the meetings but they just aren't at a good time for me so I try to go in and weigh each week. It has been very up and down since the holidays (I started in July) but I am hoping to really buckle down now. I am trying to pop in on you here to see if you have said how you are doing. If I find any fantastic WW recipes or helpful hints I will be sure to let you know. Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Girl scout cookies are my weakness. I'd love to have some clementines. They aren't any in my local grocery store, which sucks!

  3. My husband brought some girl scout cookies home last week (samoas) and I told him to take them back to work right then! I can't have them in the house. I will eat them ALL. I mean, no willpower when it comes to those babies. None.

  4. I love daffodils this time of year! Happy "almost" Spring!

  5. What a precious family you have. I just found your blog through The Southland Life. So happy I did!

    I recently bought blooming daffodils and planted them in one of our flower beds -- they continue to bloom. I am one happy girl!

  6. You had me at Clementines! And J Crew! And Spring!

    Although the last box of clementines I bought was a total fail. Why does that happen??? And at $5 a box! Half of them are still in there, because for some reason, I can't bring myself to toss them.

    Hope you're having a sunny weekend. I can't thank you enough for your encouragement over the past couple of months. xo

  7. Ahhh, love the daffodils! Freddy found some at Whole Foods a few weeks ago and I'm trying to keep 'em going in my office.

    Seriously, your boys are adorbs.

  8. It's a great time of year when even the weeds are pretty!!! ;)

  9. Loving this spring weather. You are right, it's fun to live close to each other and we can talk about the weather...and the great restaurants we share. :) We love Freebirds too. Haven't been in a while, but we are definitely fans. I am glad you are feeling better. It's no fun to be down like that, and the lethargic feeling is the worst. Hope you are enjoying your weekend with your sweet boys!

  10. Fun pics! I love that you have not eaten the Thin Mints. I can't have them in my house!

  11. I love daffodils and clementines! Samoas are my FAVORITE Girl Scout cookie! I could eat an entire box!!!

  12. I should be on WW! I LOVE Somoas and I'm the only one eating them at my house. I try to limit myself to one a day...not the easiest task.

    Missing Freebirds! :(

  13. Happy that you are feeling better. That bug passed through our house too, and it's no fun! The daffodils are beautiful- I would love a bouquet of them on my table right now! Spring is in the air!!!

  14. well hello fellow ww member. i am so glad to hear that you are giving ww a shot. i have been doing ww for about 5 months and i am very please with the new program.
    your pics are splendid...i see you are a fellow iphone lover! :) enjoy the 0 point fruits...sometimes that is all that can get me through the day. best of luck!

  15. What a fun week & peace mac n cheese ... hmm, we may have to look in to that :) Do you know I have never been to Freebird's? I have been telling everyone I can think of hoping someone will want to go with me sometime. I just have been unsure of what the kids would eat there. What do your kids eat? Looks fun, maybe we'll give it a try for spring break


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