Wednesday, December 21, 2011

C is for Cookie

Over the weekend I attended not one, but two cookie parties!  The boys were invited to a Christmas cookie decorating party and I helped host a Holiday cookie exchange party.

{Christmas Cookie Decorating Party}
On Saturday, Will and Ben were invited to a Christmas cookie decorating party. We've become friends with our family photographer, Lauren.  Lauren has twin daughters, Emma and Ava, and a little boy, Jaxon.  Emma and Ava are Will's age.  Ava assisted her mommy at our family photo shoot in November and she and Will really hit it off.  Will has told me he already wants to invite Ava (and Emma) to his birthday party--which is 10 months away! 

Since Will and Ava became instant friends, Lauren thought Will and Ben would have fun at the cookie decorating party.  Well, she was right!  They had the best time decorating AND eating cookies. 

Lauren's from a family of talented photographers and she and her mom took photos on Saturday.  I'm so glad they did because I only had my camera phone.  Lauren said she didn't mind if I borrowed a few photos of the party from her facebook album to share with you guys.

I love this photo that Lauren took.  It's my facebook profile pic now.

The boys didn't really want to stop decorating to take a photo but we told them to be Cookie Monsters and that's how we got this pic of both of them looking. 

We have more photos of Ben because Will was eating cookies. 

I really like this photo of me helping Will.  I'm usually the taking the photos so it's neat to have some photos of me with the boys. 

A few shots before the party started.

Lots and lots of colorful icing. 

Even more cookies.  There were hundred of cookies! 

Such a cool shot of the festive trays, sprinkles and toppings. 

Emma and Ava are in the matching aprons.  So adorable!

Santa was also at the Christmas cookie party!
Will was so excited when he walked through the door.  He ran up and gave him a huge hug.

Ben is all about Santa this year.  No tears from my little guy. 

Both boys went home with a festive tray full of decorated cookies.  They had such a good time and talked about the party all day. 

{2nd Annual Cookie Exchange Party}
On Sunday, the ladies in our church gathered together to exchange cookies and have a good time.  This is the second year that Jami welcomed us into her beautiful home.  (I think of Jami as my real-life Pioneer Woman friend.  Her home is stunning but she's as down to earth and nice as anyone I've ever met.)  Last year we had a great turn out, and this year was just as good or even better.

I love this group photo.  I love even more the mix of young and old. We are so fortunate to have a mix of ages at our church.  There's so much wisdom to be gained from the older ladies.  Love them!

This year I made place cards for the cookies so we could see who made what. 


My very favorite photo of the night.  All of these women are dear friends.  We are so blessed to be a part of a close knit church and I treasure getting to spend time together with these ladies.

I was able to get a photo with Jami at the end of the party.  She's known my husband Mark forever.  They were in the same class in school (by the way, in a small town there were only about 45 people in their graduating class.)  Also, Jami's mom is a good friend to my mother-in-law.  They were a big help preparing things for the cookie exchange.

Jami's gorgeous tree. 

Well, now I guess I should go workout on the elliptical since I've eaten so many cookies!


  1. your little guys look like they're having so much fun decorating their cookies! Such a good excuse to eat one (hundred?) too many cookies... :) And I'm pretty sure ellipticals are off limits for the week prior to and after Christmas ;)

  2. Both of the cookie parties looked like so much fun! I love this time of fun!

  3. Fun stuff!!! those are some of the best parts of the holiday :) we are making our cookies for santa today.

  4. cookies and christmas! what could be better! how fun. have a lovely celebration this weekend.

  5. Cookie parties are one of my favorite holiday events! So fun. And your boys are so cute. :)Merry Christmas!

  6. I love the pictures of you and your sweet boys decorating cookies. How fun. You have a wonderful group of friends it seems, and that is such a blessing. I've never done a cookie exchange, but I know I would love it. Happiest of holidays to you, and Merry Christmas!

  7. What a fun cookie party!
    I loved the pictures of the boys enjoying it so much.
    I hope you and yours have a great Christmas together Michele. Hugs to you, and happy holidays.

  8. Wow, I love both parties! Your kids look like they had a blast at the cookie decorating party! I have a group of girlfriends that I get together with for girls night out (which is really girls night in at one of their houses) where we bring food & wine & just talk all night. At Christmas our monthly GNO is a cookie swap...we love it!


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