Thursday, November 3, 2011

Will is 5!

Will turns 5 today!

Will is sweet, smart, curious, funny and kindhearted. 

He's truly a joy. 

The day he was born Mark and I knew our lives would never be the same.  We are blessed and grateful to be his parents.  It's hard to believe that Will is old enough to start kindergarten next year.  The first five years have flown by and it's almost impossible to comprehend how quickly the next five will pass.  I remember the day we brought him home from the hospital like it was yesterday.

Will is such a good son and a protective and caring older brother.

The expression on his face captures his sweet personality.

Will was so excited about turning 5 that he could barely go to sleep the night before.  He even said "When I turn 5, I can go to Andrea's school." (Andrea is his aunt who teaches 1st grade.)  He thought that he would be promoted from daycare/play school to elementary school on his birthday.  Isn't that sweet?

We are taking cupcakes to his daycare to share with the other children to celebrate.  He selected vanilla with chocolate icing.

Will can't wait for his birthday party this weekend.  He chose a monster theme and has invited his little buddies over for some birthday party fun.  I'll share photos of our monster bash next week.

Happy 5th Birthday, Will!

Today is your day to celebrate!

Photos by Lauren
I've scheduled this to post at 12:40 a.m., the time that Will was born on November 3.


  1. Happy 5th Birthday Will!!!! Love the pics, so cute. (Kate turns 5 in January...can't believe how fast it is flying by!)

  2. Happy Birthday to your Will!!
    Hannah turns 5 on Monday!
    ANd I am kind of sad to think how fast five years has so quickly flown by!
    Will is such a cute kid. I hope you all have fun celebrating with him!

  3. Happy 5th Birthday Will!
    What great pictures of him. Hope he has a wonderful day and a great Monster party this weekend ;)

  4. adorable!! hooray for a monster party, it'll be awesome! xo

  5. Happy Birthday Will! November 3rd is a great birthday {it's my hubby's}.

  6. Those pictures are great! I love 5 year olds, its like big people in little people bodies. Happy Birthday to the Big boy.


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