Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011

Will was Spiderman and Ben was Batman.

The boys wore their costumes to daycare and went trick-or-treating at the junior high and high school campuses.  It was fun to see the boys at school in their costumes.  I took this photo before the boys went to school, and I'm so glad I did.  We couldn't find Will's Spiderman mask for the evening festival, Halloween on the Square.  No loss because he probably wouldn't have worn it anyway.

Halloween on the Square 2011
One of my favorite community events that our small town has.  Local businesses, churches, and organizations host a safe and fun Halloween festival.  Everyone gives away candy so all of the children can trick-or-treat.

Mark and the boys. 
I almost had a photo with all three looking but I moved the camera and didn't get Ben.

Will on the bouncy slide. 

Bouncy house obstacle course.  Will wanted to play on the bounce houses so badly that he didn't care about getting candy at all.  We decided to let him play and then go trick-or-treating.  I'm glad we did because the lines got really long by the end of the evening. 

Ben played on the bouncy house slide a couple of times but he will still too little to really enjoy it.  He had more fun eating candy. 

Taking a break for some candy. 

Batman likes Reeses

We're not finished yet.  Still more candy. 

My favorite side of our downtown square. 

The boys and I posed for a photo. 

Family photo
Halloween 2011


  1. You have the cutest little super heroes. Our downtown had trick or treating this weekend but we missed it because we were in the middle of a snow storm. I know, craziness.

  2. I love the family pic, Michele. Two of my boys were super heroes too. : ) Oh, those boys!


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