Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Favorites

Two of my Friday favorites

Ben and Will playing in the dirt.

Ben and Will playing in the dirt so I can do yard work.

Ben loves getting dirty.

Will loves playing in the dirt, too.
Do you see his shorts covered in dirt? 

Mark was mowing so the boys love to get the mower and mow like daddy. 

Will waiting for a ride in the wagon AKA "The Mommy Express". 

My little tomato plant has two tomatoes on it!

One more favorite thing
The Hipstamatic app on my new iPhone, which I used to take the photos above.

friday favorite things </P>
<P>finding joy


  1. Great pictures. And yes, that app is so cool. Chloe has it on her ipod touch and I love, love, love to borrow it!

    And I also love boys getting muddy and playing in the dirt. Your pictures show that perfectly.

    Tomatoes? Sigh. Love them, but won't have them until July.

    Thanks for linking up.


  2. The photos look cool like that! Have a great weekend.

  3. I need to check that app out!! Nothing better than boys playing in the dirt :)

  4. How fun! Such great pics, I can see you are loving your iPhone. Aren't they just the most fun invention ever?

  5. What cute pictures!!! I need to check out that app!

  6. That first photo has the cheekiest grin on that little face - beautiful moments :)

  7. Your boys are too adorable! And look at your tomatoes awesome!

  8. Man your tomatoes are growing fast. Ours are not doing anything yet. So cute see your little ones out in the dirt.

    Cha Cha

  9. By the way -- thank you for linking up with {friday} favorites! I just wanted you to know I'm grateful! And blessed reading about the dirt again. We've had lots of rain so I know my boys will be coming in slightly muddy! :)

    Blessings to you!


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