Thursday, April 7, 2011

Knockout Roses

I have big plans for these Knockout Roses.  In an effort to keep it real, I took a photo of our flower bed in the front yard.  It's shameful.  Just shameful.  I'll post it in a before/after of the flower bed when we are finished.  My husband asked me not to post the photo because it was so bad, but I think it'll be a very dramatic difference.  For now, I just wanted to show you these beauties.  We bought them on Monday night at Home Depot for $9.98 each.  That's a very reasonable price.  Knockout roses are supposed to be extremely hardy and long-blooming.  It's just what I needed for a trouble spot in my flower bed.  I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and show you the finished product.


  1. oooh, pretty.

    Can't wait to see the results.

  2. They are so pretty and cheerful!

  3. They're lovely!

    I tagged you in a cute little game on my blog.. Hope you are able to join in on the fun! Happy Friday!


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