Saturday, April 9, 2011

First Family Campout

 Last night we had our first family campout in the backyard, which lasted...

2 hours!

The campout started at 7:15p.m. and ended at 9:30p.m.  The excitement of camping out had Will and Ben so wound up and they couldn't calm down.  They were both having fun, but today is going to be a very busy day so we decided to give up and go inside and put them to bed.  I think it was the right decision.  Everyone was able to get a good night's sleep and that will make for a much more enjoyable day.

This morning they wanted to play a little more in the tent before we took it down.

I think their sleeping bags are the cutest.  They are so little!

Please excuse Ben's messy face.  He just finished eating a chocolate donut.

Today we have a busy, fun-filled day ahead of us--en early Easter egg hunt and cookout with Mark's family and then a birthday party for my cousin's little boy who is turning 2. 

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. How fun! My Dad used to campout out in our backyard with my sister and I on the weekends and we LOVED it!

    Nice lookin' tent. I bet the boys got a kick out of that. Mine probably wouldn't sleep either though.

  2. Camping out is such a great way to build family memories. We love our time spent camping. Your boys are just so cute, I miss little ones. Hope you guys are having a great week,

    Cha Cha

  3. New follower here! What handsome boys you have!!! So cool that you are a junior high teacher. I have one boy going into Jr high & one highschooler.............among other boys. I am a Christian, homeschool (through a virtual academy), SAHM of 6 boys. Love for you to check out my blog!

  4. Oh I used to love camping!! Love your tent :) I can't wait until my little man is excited about if I could just get the Hubby excited about the great outdoors!

  5. Michele! How cute! I bet your boys were super excited!!! What wonderful memories you are building with your sweet family!


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