Thursday, March 31, 2011

Show Us Your Church

Vacation Bible School 2010

Kelly at Kelly's Korner hosts a really neat link up series called "Show Us Your Life".  I was so excited when I saw the SUYL schedule and this topic--
Show Us Your Church.

I attend the Church of Christ in the small town where I live.  I didn't grow up attending a Church of Christ church.  My family and I were actively involved at the First Baptist Church, which is Southern Baptist,  in my home town.  We were at the church every time the doors were open.  I'm so thankful for that example because it instilled in me the importance of being faithful in attendance.  As a child and teenager, I loved going to church.  I have such fond memories of Sunday school, Girls In Action (GA's)--a missions group for young girls, my youth group, youth camp and mission trips.

I didn't start attending the Church of Christ until my husband and I were married.  My husband and his family are faithful members of the Church of Christ.  We are not a denomination, and each church is autonomous.  Churches of Christ will have elders (overseers, bishops, shepherds, pastors), deacons, and ministers/gospel preachers. We strongly believe we should read and study the Bible to find answers about God's plan for our lives.  The Bible is our final authority.  The following verses come to mind when I think about doctrine and theology, which direct us back to the Bible.  

2 Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."

Matthew 22:36-40
"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And He said to him, " 'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' "This is the great and foremost commandment. "The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."

We have such a loving church family.  We attend the church that my husband grew up in and his family still attends there.  It's a small church so we don't have the amount of activities that a larger church might offer, but we are very close-knit.  I'm so thankful that my boys love church as much as I did when I was child.  Even though we are a relatively small congregation, we are blessed to have a lot of young couples and children.  We are also blessed to have senior adults in our church who are such an example to us in their wisdom, faithfulness and devotion.  I think what makes each church special is the people who attend it.  As I get to know the people in my church and learn about their lives, I appreciate them so much more.  I'm thankful God's blessed me with such a wonderful church where I can worship and serve.

Here are the ladies at the Holiday Cookie Exchange party in December 2010.


  1. Sounds like a sweet church home and a wonderful community.

  2. Thanks for sharing your church. Since we moved, it took us quite a while to find a church 'home' again. It's great you are able to continue worshiping God at the same church where you grew up!

  3. Oh, how I loved GAs. Some of my fondest childhood memories are from GA camp:) Your church sounds wonderful!

  4. Church of Christ girl here! Loved reading your description. :)

  5. Hi! Found you through Kelly's Korner. I'm also a member of the church of Christ. I love finding fellow bloggers that are members! I'm following now.

  6. Another CofC'er here. :) Your church looks like a sweet, little family. I love it!


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