Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Shelf Help

I found this crown molding shelf a few weeks ago when Angela and I went to a flea market.  Are you sick of me talking about our flea market fun?  This should be the last post for a while. 

This shelf was on top of a pile of other junk items, and it was priced $3.50.  I bought it for $3. 

I'm not much of a DIYer.  Really, I'm not!   It was a big deal for me to even take on a simple project like this.  It's okay to laugh if you want to, I'm not offended ;)   Even with minimal DIY skills I thought I could give this little shelf a new life with some sandpaper and white spray paint. 

I have to say I'm pretty happy with myself and my shelf.

It's found a new home in my bedroom in a spot that I've always had a hard time deciding how to decorate. 

Here's the shelf in all of its green glory!
 I removed the scalloped accent board at the bottom. 
I used sandpaper to remove as much green paint as I could.
I spray painted the shelf white with Rust-Oleum Ultra Cover 2x spray paint from Home Depot.



Sharing my little shelf project at a couple of my favorite blogs,

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

SAS Interiors


  1. Great job! :) Looks good as new!

  2. It looks great! Baby steps...before you know it, you will have the confidence to knock down walls! Well, you might but I don't know if Mark would let you! ;)

  3. Awesome! I love this shelf- It looks so cute with your pictures on it!


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