Monday, August 3, 2015

Will's 2nd Grade Awards Assembly

Will's 2nd grade school year was full of learning and fun.  He loved his teacher and was lucky enough to get in the same class as his best friend.  

This is the end of year awards assembly at the beginning of June.

Will received a 2nd place medal for UIL Chess Puzzle.  He studied and practiced for that competition and was excited to get 2nd place.  He's slightly competitive so when they announced the winner at the meet (which was earlier in the school year) he asked his teacher who got first.  We're still super proud of his accomplishment even if it's not first place!

Will received a participation ribbon for UIL Creative Writing.

This sweet friend will be at a different school next year.  She's been a buddy of Will's since they attended the school's early learning center when they were little bitty.

Will's teacher was kind and sweet and appreciated all of Will's funny interests.  It's almost hard to put into words the gratitude and respect we have for the teachers who are truly educators at heart. Our boys have always had gifted teachers and this year Will lucked into another classroom that helped him thrive.  I have this saying in my classroom, "Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning."  I can honestly say this applies to all of the teachers Will and Ben have had so far.
Isn't that awesome!?!  We are lucky!

One more in Will's classroom with little brother and Will's best friend in the background.

One more thing we are excited about.  Will was one of the top readers in A.R. points for this school year.  He worked really hard and read the entire Little House series, which helped him achieve this goal.  What a good lesson in setting a goal and reaching it.

Once again, it's hard for me to believe that Will is going to be in the 3rd grade!
I might not be ready but he definitely is!

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