Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Morning Encouragement: Colossians 1:17

Monday Morning Encouragement
Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

I get overwhelmed with life and worry about things that don't matter, and then I read God's word and it changes my heart.

I can't read about Christ and his ultimate sacrifice and not have a different outlook.

We are facing many unknowns in our future.  Mainly these all revolve our living situation and building our new home.  We are not sure when we should sell our current home and we don't know the exact date of when our new home will be complete.  These might not be big problems compared to what other people struggle with.  In fact, I have to remind myself often that my problems are all good problems to have, but they are still things I worry about.  

Instead of worrying and letting that consume my thoughts, I need to focus on Christ.  All the things that really matter in life are provided for.  In him all things hold together.


  1. A good and timely word. I have always struggled with fear and anxiety (and perfectionism...really fun.) I get down on myself when I know I'm not trusting the Lord the way I know I should which just starts everything all over again. Slowly...often much to slowly for my liking...these truths are seeping into my heart and changing me. He is all.

    1. Faith, you're so right. I feel like I struggle with the desire to plan my future and control things that are out of my hands. I, too, am slowly learning to be still and trust Him.


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