Monday, May 18, 2015

Progress and Rain

This panoramic of the land is probably hard to see, 
but it shows the progress.  

The date of the photos,
Top Left: March 16th
Top Right: April 20th
Bottom Left: May 1st
Bottom Right: May 3rd

You can see in the bottom right photo that we have the dirt work done for the new home's foundation.  

You won't see a concrete truck there any time soon pouring the foundation because once the dirt work was complete, it started to rain again.  I'm very happy with the rain because it's helping all of the dirt work settle, which will help prevent future foundation issues. 

That's not a big update, but it's exciting to see some progress even though we haven't been able to get anything done since the beginning of May.

I know the rain will stop eventually and when it does stop, I feel like the process will really speed up.


  1. I'm sure you'll finish the house and look back and think "Man, that went by so quickly!" but it'll seem like forever when you're in the middle of it!

  2. I am SO excited for you! Your land is beautiful....can't wait to see the finished house!
    And, send some rain to California....we need it!! Major Drought!!


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