Sunday, March 1, 2015

January, February, March--Already?

I can't believe it's already March!

How can that be?  If I could make a face like the boys, that would be my face to let you know how I feel about 2015 going by so quickly.

January and February felt like a blur.  There are so many things I want to blog about, but I haven't been able to make the time. There are big memories I need to document, and then the everyday stuff that I look back on and I'm thankful I have the blog to help me remember.

Here's my blog to do list
for January & February:

Celebrating our cousin's and friend's birthdays

Working at the land clearing brush and getting it ready for our new house AKA the farmhouse (I've decided to document the new home step by step so there will be a big blog post with all the little details so far and we haven't even gotten close to actually starting the building process.  I'm learning that this is a slow process.)

Valentine's Day

Road trip to visit family

Seeing the Texas A&M Singing Cadets

Snow and ice days (in Texas that's a big deal!)

The Avett Brothers Concert

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