Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Where do I begin?

If you follow me on Instagram (redbirdblue) then you've already seen this photo and read this, but I'll share it again on my blog.  We just returned home from a 16 day road trip, and I'm still sorting through 1,500 photos.  It will probably take me a few days to process it all.  We saw so many things and had an amazing time, and I'm not sure I can adequately show you the experience.  Since I don't know where to begin, take a look at this photo collage and caption from June 19th.  Hopefully this will show you just a glimpse of the beauty.

Psalm 89:11 "The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it." 
We started the morning among the magnificent redwoods in Muir Woods and then we ended the day driving along the breathtaking Pacific Coast Highway and watching the sunset at the beach. I told Mark that we've seen so many things so far on this vacation that I can't help but feel small in comparison. I also can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder when I stop and acknowledge that The Lord we serve created all of it. It is good.


  1. I cannot WAIT for you to recap. I would LOVE to do something like this with my boys. They're 4 and 2 so we're a little bit behind you guys. I want to hear about your adventures. Breathtaking beauty!

    1. I can't wait to share it all. I'm glad we waited until the boys were 5 and 7 before we took on such a long trip. I think their ages were just right for traveling this distance.

  2. Seems like you guys had the BEST time. your pictures are gorgeous. what a fun adventure.

    1. Thanks, Faith! It was a trip of a lifetime.

  3. LOVED following your journey on Instagram!!! Looked like such a great time!

    1. Thanks, Jill! We had an awesome adventure. I can't wait to share more. Thanks for following along on IG.


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