Saturday, April 26, 2014

Life {April 2014}

It's almost the end of April, and that means we only have about a month of school left.  I love this time of year.  The weather is warmer but not too hot.  The days are longer.  Spring is here!  Do you love the change of seasons as much as I do?  

Here are some random phone photos from the last week.  

You can follow me on Instagram @redbirdblue 

We had so much fun over Easter weekend that Ben and Will had a hard time waking up for school on Monday.  I feel your pains guys!  Monday mornings are rough.

Sweet brother moment.  I was reading to Ben, but I had to stop to do something so Will finished the book for me.  Ben has really been into the Knuffle Bunny books by Mo Willems.  We like all of Mo Willems' books.  If you look closely at the books you can see that Mo includes things from his other books.  I'd like to take credit for noticing this, but Will is super observant and pointed it out to me.

The boys have a fish, Mike, and this is the setup by his fishbowl.  They have aliens, a ninja, and a dinosaur guarding the fishbowl.  I love raising little boys!

Of all the Wii games that we own, Ben and Will love Wii Fit.  They can do all of the exercises.  Mark and I love to watch them.  It's very cute and funny.  They are very competitive and try to follow the instructions so that they get a high score.  We fully support it because it's healthy and builds coordination.  Ben did awesome holding this plank.  If only I could get motivated and use the Wii Fit...

Will had a baseball game last night.  It feels like it's been forever since I've watched him play.  I missed his last game because Ben was sick and then our games have been cancelled because of rain.  The boys played hard even though they lost.  I'm proud of Will.  He's having fun and trying his best.

life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree in the excitement for the upcoming season! While I'm dreading the heat (Arizona), I'm so looking forward to the lazy and laid back days of summer and spending time with my family!

    Laura @


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