Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Yesterday was my 36th birthday. 
Mark, Will, Ben, and my in-laws took me out to eat after school.  I chose McAlister's Deli because we didn't want to stay out late since it was a school night.  Before we went to eat, the boys all posed for a photo without a fuss.  They were extra nice about it since it was my birthday.  Usually no one cooperates when it's time for photos so their good attitudes were definitely a birthday present.  This photo was taken in the backyard at my in-law's.  Doesn't their yard look amazing?  They've been working hard on a backyard makeover and I think they've done an awesome job so far.

We also did a lot of fun things over the weekend to celebrate my birthday.  If you follow my instagram feed @redbirdblue then you saw all the good times.

On Saturday we ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then visited my grandma at the nursing home.

Mark and I always share the French toast breakfast.  It's so much food.  I can't imagine one person eating all of it.  That's basically the only meal we eat for the day because I'm always stuffed.

The boys wore their A&M jerseys in support of our Ags.  We were hoping for a victory over Bama, but we just ran out of time.  I still love my Aggies!  Gig'em, Ags!

Mama Winnie was having a good day.  I'm always thankful for good days instead of bad ones. 

On Friday after school, we headed to Watters Creek to have pizza and dessert at Grimaldi's.  Y'all know that's our favorite pizza place.

How convenient!  There's an Anthropologie just down the street from Grimaldi's.  

Pic with my guys at Watters Creek

My purchases from Anthro--pretty note cards, Volcano candle in a mercury glass jar, and a beautiful copy of one of my favorite books--Pride & Prejudice.  Happy Birthday to me! 

I redeemed my free Starbucks drink for my birthday.  It was so hot, but I still ordered the Pumpkin Spice Latte.  I just cranked up the a/c and pretended that it was cooler weather.  

Even if it's still over 90 degrees outside, I couldn't resist these cookies.  So delish with hot tea. 

Thankful each year for another birthday and the opportunity to spend it with the ones I love. 
It really is a wonderful life.

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