Friday, September 13, 2013

InstaSeptember {Part I}

September is always a big month.  We are getting into the routine of going back to work (my husband and I are both teachers) and adjusting to Will and Ben's school schedules.  Also, my birthday also falls in the middle of the month.  I thought I'd do two InstaFridays with all the things we've been up to in September.  Part I now and Part II will follow.  I'm sure we'll do a lot of fun things this weekend for my birthday so there will probably be an instagram overload, but that's okay!

We started the month of September at a Rangers game.  It was hot!  The Ranges lost, but we still had fun.

School is in full-swing.  
Part of our nightly routine is Will's reading time.  It's a big bonus for Ben because he gets to listen to all of the stories.  Ben even has books we read together so he doesn't feel left out.

Will's teacher is so thoughtful and sends lots of photos of all the fun things they do at school during the day.  I thought this photo of him making a 100 was super sweet.  We're so proud of Will!

Ben's preschool also sends photos to us during the day.  I like to call it my "Happy Email" because it's always a bright spot in my day to see my boys learning,  playing, and having fun.  Ben was having a great time in centers that day.  I can't say enough good things about Will and Ben's teachers.  We are blessed. 

With the start of the school year, my appreciation of weekends has increased.  I am truly grateful for the time I get to relax on the couch with my feet propped up. 

Last weekend we went to a princess birthday party.  One of my BFF's Terri has a daughter who turned 3.  Our kids all love playing together, and my boys wanted to go to the party even if it was a princess theme.  They didn't care as long as there was cake and ice cream. 

I've started working out again.  5a.m. is EARLY.  My new workout shoes are awesome.  

Here's the gym where we workout. 

I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I have a treat from DQ.  It helps me get through the week. 

Who is ready for Fall?  
I am!  I am!  I am!
It's my favorite season, and I'm so ready for cooler weather.

life rearranged


  1. Chai lattes are my fave and I was pretty excited when I heard about the chocolate version. But, I've been hearing VERY mixed reviews on it and I don't want to gamble with a $5 drink! What did you think? The pumpkin spice version intrigues me b/c I find chai already to taste that way.

  2. Those teas reeled me right in from the Life Rearranged link-up, and then I see we are both teachers, AND then I see we are both married to teachers - Wow! Yet fall is your favorite season? I must get some of this magic back. Since teaching, I no longer love fall. I've lost that lovin' feelin.' Maybe a chai might help...and my girls' happy faces (we have two little girlies) because they are so stoked to go back to school :).


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