Thursday, May 23, 2013


May 2013 in photos

After an unusually cool beginning to May, it has finally warmed up.

Which means we are playing outside!  

Look at this big kid!

Almost every day after school Will wants to go outside and practice hitting the ball off the tee.

Earlier this month, Ben rode in the St. Jude's trike-a-thon at his preschool.

We attended the 40th birthday of a friend.
This was close to a Pinterest fail.  It was supposed to be 40 suckers for "40 sucks" but I overestimated the size of the styrofoam ball and it has more like 80 suckers, lol!  Our friend liked it anyway.

We celebrated at a great Tex-Mex restaurant.  It's neat that Mark has been friends with Durwood since they were little kids.  They grew up going to the same church and then attended the same school K-12.  Now that's a real lifelong friend.

I love looking out the window and seeing this. They really play well together.  So thankful for that!

Ben and Will love to be outside as much as Mark and I do.

We have been blessed with amazing teachers at our elementary school, and it was fun to make special treats for them during teacher appreciation week.

Paula Deen's cream cheese brownies were a big hit.

Ben picked out this book and Will read it to him.
Be still my heart!

April showers bring May flowers.
This rose bush is at Mark's parents' house.  Mark's dad got the cutting for this rose bush as his mother's house.  It's unique because it had double blooms, and the color is very interesting.  It had yellow buds, then the blooms turn pink and eventually when they are open are bright pink.  We definitely want to get a cutting started at our new house.  It's beautiful and sentimental.

Speaking of the new house, we went out to the land to measure off and mark the location for our new house.  These wildflowers were blooming.  You know what else was in full bloom...poison ivy!  I've been covered in it.  It's the worst case of poison ivy I've ever had.  

The new house is definitely a work in progress.  I'm thankful that the process is taking time because it takes me a while to consider all of the different options.  For example, we started with a one-story plan, which has now changed to a two-story.  It's all fun, but it's also a lot of decisions.  We're still at least a year away from getting started.

We have had a great time playing tee-ball this spring.  Will's on a terrific team.  We might not win all of our games, but we are having fun, which is what matters most at this age.  Plus, the boys don't have a clue if we win or lose.

Just trying out the new photo app from A Beautiful Mess.

We had to stop by IKEA to pick up a few things.  IKEA is exhausting!

Mark's such a great dad!  He has the patience to play board games with the boys.  Seriously, he is a good man!

I'm the bookkeeper for our tee-ball team and this is my helper.

Let's Go Will!

That sums up May.  Even though it's the end of the school year, we're about to hit a crazy few weeks in June.  Ben's birthday party starts off the month, then we have the last week of school (that's the first week of June), which is followed by Vacation Bible School at our church.  I'll get back to you sometime at the end of June!

life rearranged


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