Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hello Hard Work

Saturday was a good day.  We went to the land and cleared trees and brush.  

Hello hard work!

Even though I'm tired and sore, it was so much fun.  I felt a sense of accomplishment.

The land is where we hope to build our future home. There's a lot of work to be done between now and then, but we're slowly making progress.

Here's a path the boys like to walk on.  This path is where I'd originally envisioned our driveway, but that plan has changed since we met with a excavation contractor over the Christmas break.  It's going to be too costly.  It took me a while to reconsider where our house would be located and how we will access it, but now I'm very happy with the new location.  Concerning our future home, this was the first time I've had to choose sensible over expensive.  I have a feeling it won't be the last time I choose the practical option versus  impractical in this long process of construction, ha!

When the path curves this is what you see.

Papaw Jerry, Ben and Will

Maggie to the rescue!  The boys have so much fun with their cousin Maggie.  The boys were getting bored while we worked, but Maggie showed up and took them on an adventure.  Thanks to her we were able to get about 2 more hours of work done.  They had a great time playing and exploring.

Most of the day was spent clearing tree limbs that had been cut down and burning them.

Mark dragging a big oak limb to the fire.

Mark spent most of his time by the burn pile while I cleared limbs.

We hope that we can spend more weekends working at the land.  Next time I'll have to take all the supplies for s'mores because that's what Ben expected when he saw the big fire. 


  1. How exciting for all of you. You have a lovely property.

  2. Looks like it will be a beautiful place for your home. B

    uilding a house is so exciting! You'll have so many fun choices in the near future. Enjoy the process.



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