Sunday, November 4, 2012


Yesterday was Will's 6th birthday!  We spent the day celebrating this special boy's big day.  He had a blast at his All-Star birthday party and played so hard that he couldn't stay up another minute last night.  He went to bed happy and exhausted.
Six things that Will really likes right now.
1. Road signs, maps, street signs, driving directions and addresses
2. Crayons and art supplies
3. Reading
His favorite books are Sharks, Disney Pixar Cars storybook, and the If You Give..series by Laura Numeroff
4. School, his favorite classes are P.E., art, music, computers and library
5. Soccer
6. Superheroes, his favorites Batman, Superman and Mr. Freeze
Bonus :) His favorite Bible story right now is Jonah and the big fish.
By the way, I still can't believe he's 6.  Everyone is right when they say that your children really do grow up fast.  It's happening right before my eyes. 
We're so thankful for Will and the smart, sweet, handsome, loving boy that he's growing up to be.  He's not perfect, but he's about as good as they come. 


  1. Sounds like the perfect day to celebrate being 6, Happy Birthday to your little cutie!

  2. Tell, him I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I miss him!!! He is so big!! :(

  3. Happy Birthday to your little man!!! Hard to believe how fast they grow up! I like the favorites you listed- what fun to look back on someday!


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