Monday, September 24, 2012

Life As We Know It

Will lost one of his front teeth. 
It happened just in time for picture day at school! 

Ben's obsessed with Halloween costumes.  It's the cutest thing.  He continuously looks through these Halloween costume catalogs we've gotten in the mail.  He must get it from me.  Fall is my favorite season, and I love Halloween.
Will's playing soccer.  It's super cute and funny!

Don't let this photo fool ya!  Will is attempting to kick the ball here, which is rare.
 He's usually more interested in what's going on in the game on the next field.  Most importantly he's having fun, and we're having a blast watching the games.
Our schedules are FULL!  We're always so busy at the beginning of the school year adjusting to our new routine.  It definitely takes some time to get used to going back to work instead of hanging out like we do in the summer.  Our lives are pretty scheduled with school during the week.  Will's soccer games are on Saturday and soccer practice is twice a week.  It'll be interesting when Ben starts playing sports.  Then we'll really be busy.  We are also very involved in church.  Faithful attendance is a priority for our family, and we are there every time the doors are open. 
My roommate from Seattle is visiting this weekend.  I haven't seen her since 2004, and I'm ecstatic that she's coming to Texas!
I slowed down on blogging in the spring of this year.  I've never quite picked up the pace. 
Here are the reasons why:
If you follow me on instagram (@redbirdblue) then you know that I've been working out very early in the morning on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I get up at 4:55A.M. and head to the gym.  That's pretty darn early for me!  Before this workout, I was only awake for one 4:55 during the day and that was 4:55P.M.  I started this workout program (P31) at the beginning of August.  We do a different workout each day so I'm never bored and always challenged.   It's faith-based with a positive message and the trainer is a good friend of mine.  The workout is similar to Insanity or P90X.  I absolutely LOVE it!  I can also see results after 6 weeks (no more muffin top, my clothes fit better, more energy AND I have leg muscles again.  I haven't had leg muscles since 1996!!!).

I have to go to bed really early on the nights before I workout.  It's taken away the time that I used to read and comment on blogs.  I occasionally find time to read a few blogs, but I rarely have time to comment.
Hope this explains that I'm not ignoring your blogs on purpose.
Instagram has been the way I've stayed in touch with most of the friends I've made through blogging.  I've become facebook friends with blog friends, too.  I like getting to know people through all these social networking outlets.  I don't have a twitter account, but I can see how that would be fun. 

Last thing.
Really silly.
We went to Sam's over the weekend to stock up on several things we needed. Two things always happen when we are there.  We buy something we really don't need (this time a huge assortment of hot chocolate).  We always underestimate the size of the packages/containers.  It never fails that we get home and unload the car and realize that we don't have anywhere to store all of the stuff we bought.  Every. Single. Time. 

I'm linking up my random thoughts
 to lowercase letters Miscellany Monday.
Stop by and check out more randomness.


  1. The SAME things happen when we go to Costco - at least 1 thing we don't need, and never enough room for the items we do get! Good for you on the early morning workouts! Happy Monday :)

  2. same thing happens when i go to costco too. last time i came home with a case of san pellegrino--and i'd never tasted it before in my life! ha!
    congratulations on your workout success. that's great! we joined the rec center. does that count? now i just have to go :)

  3. Ok, now I'm feeling left out, why are we not facebook friends yet? ;} So proud of your early morning workout success! I am so not a morning person, but I love it when I have worked out and can get it out of the way. So, let's fix this facebook issue please. :} Have a great week!

  4. Congrats on the workout dedication!!! that is so awesome and you look great! I've gotten into the Instagram thing too, it's so much easier to keep up that way :)


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