Friday, August 24, 2012

Meet the Teacher

Will's first day of kindergarten will be on Monday!  I haven't talked about it much because I'm afraid I'll be overwhelmed with emotions.  It's not because I'm anxious or nervous, just sentimental.  Well, I was a little anxious and nervous about such a big transition, but I'm feeling better now after we went to Meet the Teacher on Thursday night.  Will's teacher is super nice and he loved his classroom.  Thank goodness Will is beyond excited about starting school.  That makes this new phase of life so much easier knowing that he's ready.  I've definitely been praying extra hard for my little one, his teacher, and the students who will be in his class.
I made Will pose by the teacher's desk.
Will was so excited to have his own locker.
This was taken earlier this summer and it feels like yesterday! 
Linking up to InstaFriday at Life Rearranged
Follow me on instagram @redbirdblue


  1. I'm a mess of emotions myself, Eli starts pre-school this year, and the fact that he almost 5 really starting to hit me! Hang in there, and good luck- Looks like he is ready!

  2. Stopping by from InstaFriday

    Oh my, how adorable! I love those little lockers!!

  3. Cute, cute, cute!
    And those little lockers...oh my goodness!!! : )

  4. Awwww, Will is going to love kindergarten. I totally get the sentimental part though. You are such a sweet mama to your boys!

    Have a good weekend.

  5. What a special new beginning. Enjoy and I is soooo okay to be emotional.
    :) jen


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