Friday, July 6, 2012

Backyard Camp Out

I don't really have a "summer list", but if I did, a backyard camp out would be at the top of it.  We decided at the spur of the moment to put up the tent and camp out in the backyard.  Will and Ben were really excited!  We weren't sure if they'd make it all night in the tent but they did!

Two little boys who were super happy about their camp out.

This is the tent that Santa gave the boys a couple of years ago for Christmas. 

Every camp out needs s'mores.  We didn't have a camp fire so I assembled the s'mores, wrapped them in foil and Mark put them on the grill. 

Delicious, gooey, messy! 

It's morning!  We made it all night in the tent. 

 Slept all night long!

Didn't wake up all night! 

Ben heard the neighbor's dog barking the next morning.  I heard it all night, but it didn't bother the boys.  I was surprised that they weren't disturbed by the noises.   

I think we're ready for a real camp out...
when the weather gets a little cooler.  The one negative about our camp out was that it was very HOT and we didn't have a breeze until morning.  Our next camp out will have to be this fall and hopefully at a state park and not our backyard.

Linking up to Life Rearranged--InstaFriday


  1. You are so brave because I'm a bad tent sleeper! I camped in one a few years ago at the race track, and actually I didn't sleep the entire night.

    I bet the boys had a ball. You guys are so much fun!

  2. Oh man...s'mores, tents, and summer. You can't get more "camp out" than that. Hope your next week is a great one.

  3. visiting from Life Rearrangeds insta Friday. Looks like so much fun, your boys are adorable!

  4. I love this! Looks like you had so much fun...well atleast the boys and I'm sure you enjoyed the memory making! : )

  5. This looks like so much fun!!! I would love to do that in our backyard! What a great idea!


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