Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This is a Good Work!

We've made it through 3 days and have 2 days reamining of Vacation Bible School. I keep telling myself, "This is a good work. This is a good work. This is a good work." Rinse and repeat!

I love VBS. I really do. It's just a lot of work.

We had several years at our church where we didn't have VBS. Once my boys started getting older, I really wanted them to have the VBS expereince Mark and I remember having as as children. I loved VBS as a kid, and we wanted Will and Ben to have those same good memories. To bring VBS back to our church I took on the role as planner/coordinator/organizer. Bascially that means I set up a schedule, buy supplies and beg people to teach and help (really, it's not more important than anyone else's job). We have a really small church and it's a challenge to get enough teachers and helpers for each class. Somehow each year, it's always worked out--definitely a God thing. Even though VBS is hard work, it's all worth it. I've always told everyone who helps, that I hope VBS is more of blessing than a burden. I know it encourages me when I see all of the people in our church come together to make it happen. We couldn't do it without them. I couldn't do it without the help of my family either. Mark isn't officially a coordinator, but he might as well be. He runs all the errands with me and gets there early and stays late each day. Last year he even taught the Pre-K and Kindergarten class with me when we couldn't find a teacher (definitely not the comfort zone for two middle school teachers!). My mother-in-law teaches Ben's class and always helps decorate the church building to make it look happy and fun for the kids. Our niece even helps out teaching Will's class. It's an all-in-the-family effort!

I usually don't have time to take photos at VBS because I'm busy running around, but this year I wanted to make an effort to capture some of the fun.

This was taken on Tuesday.  Mark and Will are wearing our VBS shirts from 2010.

On Monday Maggie and Will had on our VBS shirt for this year.

Ben posed in the photo face cutout.  We take photos of all of the children so they can make a photo frame during craft time.

We have a treasure island theme and Ben is wearing one of the big kid's pirate hats.

This year's theme is "the Treasure of the Forgotten Island" seaerching for gems in Proverbs.  So far this has been one of my favorite years.

Hopefully the next two days will be as fun as the first three.  Will and Ben have had a great time and learned a lot so far.  Despite all of the hard work, VBS is a good work.

Galatians 6:9 (ESV)

 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

2 Thessalonians 3:13 (ESV)

As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.

Hebrews 10:24 (ESV)

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,


  1. How nice that you take that all on!! I bet all the other parents who send their kids are very grateful to you!!! My kids were in VBS for the first time this year and LOVED it!! In our small town, the Confirmation candidates earn hours toward their Confirmation requirements. It was pretty impressive watching all those big, tough, high school athletes sing and dance and work with the little kids! I was entirely impressed and proud of each and every one of them!!!

  2. You are amazing!! It all looks great, but most importantly you are helping form the lives of SO many children. I'm so proud you are my friend!!! {teary eyes!}
    Love ya,

  3. Glad to be reading your blog again!! It sounds like y'all are having a busy summer. I decided to start another blog after long break! Have a great weekend!

  4. I think it is so incredible that you do this for your church, just think of all the children's lives you are helping God to touch! I am so happy to have "met" you via Instagram. I think we'd be best friends if we lived in the same town :}


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