Monday, May 21, 2012

Will's Preschool Graduation

We are so proud of Will!  We attended the sweetest graduation ceremony at his preschool this morning.  I didn't think I'd get emotional, but I'll admit that I cried.  Another mom sat down next to me and said, "I'm going to cry."  I thought that I probably wouldn't, but when his preschool teacher started talking about the children and got a little choked up, I couldn't help but shed a few tears.  It's very sweet to know that Will's teacher cares so much for the students in her class.  Will has thrived in preschool and learned a great deal socially and academically.  We are thankful he has had the opportunity to learn and grow in such a nurturing environment.  *Check out his preschool diploma.  I love the retro/vintage design!

Look at the surprised look on Will's face.  Will had no idea that there would be so many people there to see his class graduate.  His preschool class is small, only 3 kids.  It's run through the school, and the numbers aren't very big.  I think he was shocked to see a room full of people--lots of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  These kids are definitely well loved!
Also, we had to get a photo with Miss Melodi "MiMi"

Mark's parents, Papaw Jerry and Mamaw Carol, attended as well as our niece, Maggie. 

Mark and I can't believe that we will have a child in kindergarten next year! 

Can't leave out little brother.  Ben was ready to hit the playground after sitting still and quiet for the graduation ceremony. 


  1. Cute! I can't believe I'll be in your shoes a year from now. I'm pretty sure I'll be shedding tears, also! I'm already nervous about his first day!

  2. Such a sweet day. I LOVE the surprised look on Will's face. That is priceless. I know I would have been so emotional, just like you. :))


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