Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Here's Stella.  Isn't she beautiful?

The daylilies are blooming in my yard.  My stella d'oro dayliles are my "little flowers that could".  I can always count on them to add some bright color to my flower beds at the beginning of May.  They are always in bloom on Mother's Day, which is just around the corner. 

I'm working on a real blog post, whatever that means.  My two year blog anniversary is later this week.  Expect a few shout-outs to my blog friends.  Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I can't wait until mine are blooming! Hopefully soon- my bleeding hearts were about to bloom, then they froze, but they have come back and will be blooming soon!
    Thanks for your kinds words! I love stopping by here- it's like a breath of fresh air! Are you counting down the days yet?!?! We have 19 days after today!


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