Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Blog is Two!

Today my blog turns 2!

I wrote my blog story last year and explained why I decided to start a blog.  It's only natural to reflect on anniversaries and think about the past and plan for the future. 

I can't help but look back over the last two years and feel happy about being a part of the blogging community.  Two years ago I started blogging in secret.  I slowly started to share with family and friends that I had a blog.  I didn't keep it a secret because I was embarrassed about my blog.  It's more because I didn't know if people would understand.  Fellow bloggers you know what I mean.  You get it.

It's taken me a while to figure out what direction my blog would take.  I've always considered it a haphazard collection of the events of our lives, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to focus on at the beginning.  I never minded sharing personal experiences and my thoughts.  That always felt pretty natural.  I'm a teacher and when I first started to blog I participated in teacher link-ups.  I quickly realized that teaching is my profession, but it doesn't define who I am.  I decided to stop focusing on that and focus more on my family.  First and foremost I think of myself as a wife and mommy.  It takes little effort to share the joy I have from being Will and Ben's mom and Mark's wife.  It's no surprise that Will and Ben are the main focus of my blog.  It's always easy to write about other random things that are going on in our lives--family, church, traveling, music, milk glass and food.  Usually I try to keep the blog cheerful, but there are times when life is tough and I can't help but feel heavyhearted.  I end up sharing those thoughts, too.  I still occasionally link up to Misc Monday, What I Wore Wednesday, InstaFriday and Life in an Instant because those are great places to meet new blog friends. 

Blog friends.  Well, that leads me to my next thoughts in reflecting about my blog.

This blog is proof that life is ever-changing.  It was fun to read last year's post and realize that as my blog has evolved so have my blog friends.  A lot of you guys were here from the beginning, and there are new wonderful people I've met since then.  You can read my blog roll titled "Delightful" to see the current blogs that I adore.  There are many more on my blog reader, but those are ones I try to read as often as I can. 

Thanks Angela, Kathleen, Nicolle, Heather, Jill, Emily, Katie, GennKatie, Paige, Angee, Jennifer, Susanne, Lorri and Andi and Stacy for your comments and encouragement, I {heart} you guys!  If I left someone out, so sorry!  Social networking is connecting us more and more.  I've had fun connecting with some of you on facebook, pinterest and instagram.  I've figured out how to navigate those in addition to blogging.  Twitter still freaks me out so I won't have an account there any time soon.

Enough reflection.  Let's discuss future plans and dreams.

As we look ahead, Mark and I are starting to make plans for our dream home or forever home.  Hopefully there will be a lot more blogs posts about that  in the near future.  Also, Will is starting kindergarten this fall and that will change the dynamic of our family.  Ben is growing up and leaving the baby stage more and more every day.  These changes are bittersweet.  Mark and I will celebrate 10 years of marriage this summer and I can't wait for our anniversary trip to Vegas. 

So many things to look forward to, and I can't wait to share them with you!

Thank you for choosing to spend time with me.  I treasure our blog friendship.

Much love,



  1. Yay for two years of a fun friendship. You are one if my favorite people in the blogosphere and the real world :)

  2. Congratulations!! I know exactly what you mean about starting the blog and not telling people. I have very few followers who are actually family or friends. I feel weird when I tell people I know about it!
    Anyway, it sounds like you have all sorts of fab life changing things coming up - and I will keep on checking in on you!!
    Happy weekending,

  3. Happy 3 years! It has been so fun reading along. I love the ability to form friendships via blogging and I'm glad we've "met".

  4. Congratulations!! I love how genuine you are. Your sweet blog always puts a smile on my face.

  5. Happy 2 year Blogoversary!!!!! So glad we found each others blogs! Can't wait to hear/read more about the house exciting! And, can't wait to journey the first year of Kindergarten with you...Kate starts this Fall also! Eeek!

  6. Happy Blogoversary! I am so happy to have you as a blog friend! Love seeing into your life and your precious family. Looking forward to following you new journey ahead!! ♥

  7. Happy Blogversary! I've so enjoyed getting to know you and forming our blog friendship. :)

  8. Happy Blogversary!! You're one of my favorite bloggers. I love seeing you on Instagram too!

  9. Happy Blog Birthday! I love following your blog and I love the friendship that we developed through it : )

  10. happy blog-i-versary! can't wait to start hearing more about your forever home :)

  11. Happy blog anniversary! Can't wait for all the fun of the "forever home"!!! Love ya!

  12. Happy blogiversary!!! I'm so glad I've found you- you are one of my favorites to follow along with. I feel like we have lots in common- I love to stop by here! Excited to see what is in store for your future! I will definitely be following along...and YAY for summer vacation on the horizon:)

  13. I {heart} you too!! :)

    I love your blog and love that we have built a friendship.

    I still feel like my blog is so random and so many things just thrown in, and it's been so fun to keep in touch this way and connect with so many people. I love that you write from your heart, and your writing shows how much you love your family. Yours is one of my favorite blogs!



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