Thursday, February 23, 2012

Round Here

Today it was hard to believe that it was February.  The temp in the 70s felt more like Spring.  This time of year our flowering quince produces beautiful bright pink flowers.

Another view of our flowering quince. 

Mark even had to mow the yard because the grass (weeds) are growing with all of the rain and warm weather. 

Who's that big kid?  We got that shirt 2 years ago for VBS and now Will can finally fit into it.  I know I mention this a lot but it blows my mind that Will is starting kindergarten in the fall. 

Ben didn't feel well today. Mark will stay home with him on Friday to let him fully recover.  I think being outside made him feel better (that and a little Tylenol). 

We seem to have a ritual before playoff basketball games.  Fuddruckers has yummy hamburgers and fries.  This time I tried the onion rings instead of fries and they were awesome.  My MIL ordered the sweet potato fries and they were tasty, too.

Mark's parents with Will and Ben. 

The gym where we watched the game was increidble. 

Ben was ready for some basketball! 

I took this photo sometime this week.  Will's my little handyman. 
How cute is he with his tool belt and tool box!?!

My husband makes the best hot chocolate.

And, did you notice Crazy Love on my nightstand?  To be honest, I don't read "Christian" books.  I haven't read "Christian" books since my college days when I read a lot of C.S. Lewis and Brennan Manning.  I probably have an entire blog post in the near future to explain why I don't read Christian literature.  I'm not judging if you do, good for you.  I'll explain how I arrived at this point later.  I decided to read Crazy Love because a co-worker who I'm good friends with really liked it.   By the way, I'm a Christian...just in case you were wondering :)  Just a Christian who prefers to stay with the Bible instead of Christan literature.

life rearranged

Life in an Instant


  1. Your hot chocolate looks delish! I'm so curious to know why you don't read Christian literature. I haven't really read it, but I just ordered a Christian lit book on paperbackswap. Can't wait to read your post. :)

  2. Your boys are adorable. Cannot believe you'll be sending one to kindergarten.

    I liked Crazy Love but didn't love it. The concepts and ideas Francis Chan presents are incredible, some made me really reflect on my walk, but at the same time I wasn't radically shaken. Maybe it was too hyped up by the time I read it? I read very few Christian writers but not Christian fiction. I'm with you - I want to read what Jesus said.

  3. Yay for nice weather! His face in that last photo is great! Love it. Enjoy my friend. xo

  4. Your weather sounds heavenly!! Love the great family pics!

  5. The flowers are gorgeous! I am looking at snow right now, so flowers seem foreign to me. Can't wait for spring! Have a great weekend with your lovely family.

  6. I love that quince plant! So pretty! :)

  7. I do hope you post about why you don't read Christian lit. I have a lot of ideas in my head about it as well, and I think we might agree on some of the same things. I hope your baby is feeling better! Your quince are gorgeous. I love them. Hope your weekend has been good!

  8. oooh i love your instagrams. especially the flowers. so pretty!

    i started a new instagram party a few weeks ago and still need some help getting it started. come check it out and link up if you want!

  9. Pretty similar week here! Hot weather, kids getting bigger, sick littles and husbands taking care of the yard. LOve the photo with the grandparents!


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