Friday, January 27, 2012

Family Fun

It's Friday!!!  

That means the weekend is near and I get to spend time with Will and Ben.  Things are so hectic during the week, and the weekend is my time to relax and recharge.  In the past we were guilty of trying to cram too many things into a weekend.  That's all changed since the beginning of 2012.  We've stayed at home a lot since the beginning of the new year because one of our resolutions was to save money.  One way we are saving money is driving into Dallas less to save gas.  (You know we live in the middle of no where so we have to drive at least 20-45 minutes to get to civilization.) 

For the first 3 weeks of January, we didn't make the drive into the suburbs.  That's right, no Super Target for 21 days!  We had to run some errands so we ended up in the north Dallas burbs last weekend.

On Friday we ate pizza at our favorite pizza place, Grimaldi's.  
We try to limit eating out to once a week (another new year's resolution).  Since eating out is a treat now, we try to choose a place we really like.

Brick oven pizza 

While we waited on our pizza, the boys played with pizza dough.  It kept them happy. 

This is Ben's "fish" face or at least that's what he calls it. 

I texted this photo to my sister-in-law because I knew she'd be excited.  It's opening 30 minutes from where we live.  The suburbs of north Dallas keep growing and so many stores are now within 30-45 minutes of where we live.  My husband probably broke into hives when he saw the sign.  He doesn't like Hobby Lobby or Michaels, and I'm pretty sure he won't like Jo Ann.  I could spend hours in each!

I know shopping usually wouldn't be considered "fun" for my boys but they are pretty good in two stores: Gymboree and Old Navy.

Will tried on some sunglasses while we spent our 'gymbucks' at Gymboree. They love watching the Gymboree TV.

Ben likes petting the dog and talking to the mannequins at Old Navy.

The boys are worn out from shopping.

This photo is thrown in just because my boys are cute! 
And you can see the vintage sports pennants that I finally hung in Will's room.  You know I started redecorating his room over a year ago.  Maybe I'll finish it before he graduates from high school.

Staying at home has allowed us a chance to play games with the boys.  Will loves playing board games.  Ben is just a little bit too young to really play along, but we try to let him be involved as much as his attention span will allow.  

Family fun can be simple
Ben and Will seem to think climbing on their daddy is great fun.

The only thing better than getting to watch TV in mommy and daddy's room is getting to use daddy as a pillow :)  Will seems to be pretty comfy.

The last thing I love about spending time at home with my family...
wearing my PJs!

Happy Friday, Friends!

Have a great weekend!

life rearranged


Life In An Instant 


  1. We love playing games and just recently got Chutes and Ladders! How is it that I always hit the chute and end up at the bottom?

    Great pictures! Have a great weekend.

  2. Have an awesome weekend with your guys!

  3. i'm going to have to try grimaldi's. i've been to watters creek several times, but have never eaten there. and i LOVE pizza. thanks for the link!

  4. I'm digging your New Years resolutions of staying home more and spending less. Great resolutions for sure!

    Your boys are adorable!!

  5. I loved when you were talking about your hubs and craft stores, because my mister hates to go into them too : ) {I imagine most men do!}

    Loved all the pics of your sweet boys!

    And good for you, saving money! I've done fairly good too.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. you Do have cute boys!
    how have you survived without joann's!? happy for you.

    love the striped socks and p.j.'s! that's wiww.

  7. Hello! I found your blog via Life Made Lovely and thought I'd check it out. It's always nice finding another mother so in love with her boys! I'm off to read more posts.... ~Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Yum! That pizza looks amazing! I am super hungry now! :)

  9. I hate when I type a really long comment...and then it disappears!

    We have been so busy around here that I can hardly tell the difference between M-F and Sat and Sunday!

    The boys are so cute! Love Ben's fishy-face!

  10. Hope you had a great weekend! The boys are so cute in all of their pictures. The pizza looks delicious. I am wondering if I've ever eaten there? It sounds familiar. Have a good week!


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