Monday, January 2, 2012

2012--Ready or Not Here We Come!

I'm not sure where to start with this post so I'll just jump in.  I'm writing random and linking up to misc monday at lowercase letters.

Christmas break is over.  It was truly a fun-filled break, and I'm a little sad that it's over.  We did so much that I'm not sure I can pick a favorite thing.  We slept late, watched a lot of cartoons (especially Peanuts), cuddled on the couch, baked cookies, went to the movies and spent time with family and friends.
Here are the boys at the Dallas Arboretum on the first weekend of the break.  It was a beautiful day for the middle of December.  They didn't even need coats.

I didn't blog a lot over the Christmas break.  I had to make a choice--be in the moment and enjoy it or blog about it.  I chose to be in the moment.  I'm sorry if I haven't commented, responded to emails or been a very good blog friend.  I think almost all of you would agree that cherishing the moments with my family was the right decision.  You know, these are the moments that I'll never get back.  This is good stuff!

I'm working on a list of New Year's Resolutions.  I followed through on some of mine from last year, and I still need to keep a few from last year on this year's list. 

Matthew 6:33 (ESV)
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
I think this is something I need to focus more on this year instead of seeking after insignificant things.  I'm excited about starting a Bible study over the book of John with the ladies of my church.  I hope and pray that the study will help me do just that.  I'd also love to hear about any resources you've used that were good when studying the book of John or the Bible in general.

Genn listed some things she's looking forward to in 2012.  I thought that was a great idea. 
Here's my list:
*Spring Break--I want to go camping.
*Mark and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary in June.
*Will starts kindergarten in the fall.
*Ben will hopefully be potty trained before he turns 3 in June.
*Summer 2012--We have a couple of things planned.  We are hoping to take a trip to Vegas for our 10 year anniversary.  We also would like to visit family and friends on the East Coast or take a road trip to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons National Park with Mark's parents.  We're not sure which of those will take place.
*Start making plans for our forever home.  I have some photos of the land to share with you soon.  So exciting!


  1. Happy New Year!

    I love your 2012 list! Me and my hubs will celebrate our 10th this year well as start making more plans for our forever home.

    P.S. In the "You might also like" at the bottom of this post, I see that you had a Monster Bash birthday party...that was our little lady's 1st birthday party theme. Seems we have a lot in common :)

  2. Your #2 here is my favorite. I agree with you 100 percent. Enjoying and living in the moment are what matters most, and that is truly the GOOD stuff! Good for you for recognizing it and taking it all in. Blogs can wait, that's for sure! Love the picture of you and your boys.

    That is exciting about your forever home. We plan on paying off our current house within 10 years and our next one will be our forever home.

    Happy New Year!

  3. I love that idea of focusing on the things to look forward to. All too often I think about things I dread. Time to stop that!

  4. it takes me a few days to get back into the non-holiday normalcy... i get a bit sad too when it's all over! your boys look so cute and so do you! happy new year.

  5. A trip to yellowstone has always been a dream of mine. I hope you get the opportunity!


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