Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving, Silly Boys, Baby Shower and Giveaway Winner

I'm joining in the fun and linking up to InstaFriday at Life Rearranged

The Let's Go Activity Pack winner is

Congrats, Shannon!

Now on to the photos.  I used the Hipstamatic app for most of the photos and the Instagram app for a few.


The boys helped me prepare the pecan pie for Thanksgiving.
We used my grandmother's recipe.  I wrote about Mama Winnie's pecan pie last year here.

We celebrate Thanksgiving with Mark's family on Friday instead of Thursday.  The pecan pie and rolls are my contribution to the meal.  Mark and I woke up at 5:30a.m. to set out the rolls so they could rise.  Here are 90 Rhodes yeast dinner rolls.   They completely cover our kitchen!

After we came home for the Mark's parents Ben fell asleep in the floor.  He was exhausted from having so much fun with his cousins.  Poor little guy missed his nap, but he didn't care because he was busy playing. 

Silly boys

My boys love the brostache app. 

We took advantage of a few days off at Thanksgiving to run some errands.  Will had fun waiting for our car to get serviced.  I'm so glad our dealership has fun toys to occupy the kiddos.

Baby shower

The last day of school before the Thanksgiving break we had a baby shower for a sweet teacher at our school.  She's expecting a little girl and this is her first baby.  These photos are for my dear aunt who has given me almost all of the pieces in my milk glass collection.  We've been waiting for two years to have an occasion to use the milk glass.  Jourdan's baby shower was the perfect event. 

Here's a shot with the tissue paper pom poms. 

Several of the teachers (including me) have DSLR cameras and we all forgot to bring them.

Keep in mind this is our teachers' workroom so it was a challenge to make it pretty for a baby shower.  We did our best to make it pretty and pink. 


Christmastime is here!
You know I love Peppermint Bark Ghirardellli! 

Candy canes remind me of my grandmother who is 88.  She was very poor growing up and treasured simple things like candy and fresh fruit.  They often went without that and it was a treat given at Christmas.  When I see these it reminds me that I have so much and to be thankful for it.  Simple things, right?

We took the boys to see Santa. I'll have an entire post about that in a few days. 

There's a giant snow globe that you walk through before you seen Santa.  My boys are mesmerized by the falling snow.  I am too! 

Our Christmas tree is up!  We even have some gifts wrapped and under the tree.

life rearranged


  1. 90 rolls. I'm impressed. I bet they were delish!!
    Your boys look so sweet in their plaid shirts to see Santa... :)

  2. Yay, I won! :) My girls are gonna love this.
    How cute are your little helpers in the kitchen and I love the pic of them in the snow globe mesmerized by the fake snow.

  3. THose faces are too cute. YOu must just squeeze those little boys all day long! I love peppermint bark too!

  4. Hi Michele,
    wow, 5:30am for the rolls... you guys are serious. :)
    We love to cook in my family but the last few years since Thanksgiving comes at a very busy time for us all, we have ordered it from Mari Calendar's. It's good and easy. But nothing beats homemeade.
    Love the pic of your tree.
    Hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving Break.

  5. i think grandma's recipes are always the best kind. i know your pies must have been amazing! that giant snow globe thing rocks. i want to go in it! your pics of them are so cute.

  6. cute pics! how cool is the snow globe and meeting santa?!! stopping by from instafriday :)


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