Monday, October 3, 2011


Hello Friends!

It's Monday, and I have just a moment to put together a post of randoms about my life lately.  I'll be linking up to lowercase letters.

Since the passing of my grandfather just over a week ago, life has been hard.  Each day it gets a little easier, but there are still moments when I'm very sad.

We have other big things going on in our family right now.  The day before my grandfather passed away we found out that my father-in-law has prostate cancer.  He is going for more tests this week to determine if the cancer has spread, which will determine his course of treatment.  It goes without saying, that I would appreciate your prayers.  We are praying that the cancer has not spread and that it is very treatable.  We also hope and pray for a fast and complete recovery.  I'll keep you updated.

Despite the stress in our lives right now we still feel blessed.  I believe God is sovereign and in control.  I believe that we have been given the grace to see us through.  {Thank you, Angela} Sometimes that grace comes in a Bible verse that is comforting, a song on the radio, a visit from friends, a card in the mail, a kind text from a friend or thoughtful email or blog comment.  Somehow we are making it through each day and finding plenty of things to be thankful for.
2 Corinthians 12:9
 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

When I'm feeling a little down, these guys pick me up!  Here they are in their typical positions watching a little television. 

We decided to have a picnic this weekend.  This was a fun way to enjoy the awesome weather.  The boys loved it.

I'm feeling a little more like myself.  I hadn't picked up my camera for 20 days.  My SD card was blank from September 4-24.  I was so busy with all that was going on that taking photos was the last thing on my mind.  I even took some photos for WIWW.

I also know that I'm feeling more like myself because I baked cookies.  Will thinks they are the best cookies ever.  I followed the snickerdoodle recipe in my Betty Crocker cookbook (the one I got as a wedding gift 9 years ago and I bet some of you received a copy of it as a wedding gift, too).  I made them last night, and we had cookies and ice cream for dinner.  Seriously, we did :) 
*Did you spot my Yankee candle in the corner of the photo?  It's Harvest.  It feels like fall--baking cookies that have cinnamon and burning my Harvest candle. 


  1. Aw, cookies. They make everything better. I am praying for your father-in-law.

  2. I'm sorry life has been so stressful for you lately Michele. I wish I could do something to help you out. I will keep your father in law in my prayers.

  3. I hope you have a better week. Your kiddos are adorable :) You are a good reminder to always count your blessings XOLaura

  4. Sorry to hear about your Gpa and father in law. A lot going on! Woo to the hoo on those snickerdoodles. Looking good. And your boys are cuties. (hopped over from Larson Lingo)

  5. Oh Michele, I know your heart must be aching right now. Thankfully those little boys can put a smile on your face when you are down. Thinking of you xo xo

  6. ever since i found your blog from the pleated poppy, i bookmarked it & keep up with you. (i always love your simple, classic outfits!) anyway, i just wanted to say i'm sorry so much has been going on in your life right now.
    i hope soon you'll be linking up again for wiww!

  7. i'm so sorry. i remember the sting from my grandfather's passing a few months back... it's hard. praying for your family to continue to feel comfort from the Lord.

  8. sorry things have been rough lately..praying for you guys! glad you are feeling more like yourself. and, yes, i have that same betty crocker cookbook. must have been a popular wedding shower present in 2002 :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hopefully this will all turn out o.k. this time.

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather, and praying that your fil's cancer hasn't spread.

    Grandparents are special people, I lost all of mine many years ago. I lost my father four years ago and even though I still miss him the pain isn't as sharp as it was in the beginning. Eventually you get to where you can breathe and things aren't as intense.

    Good for you for getting dressed, even though you probably didn't feel like it. Sometimes just doing routine things can be comforting.

  11. (I meant I was hoping that the post would turn out o.k., and it did)

  12. Sorry to hear about the rough times you've had lately. Thankfully you have two adorable blessings to make you smile!

    Cookies and ice cream for dinner? Heaven!


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